Full Desktop: background is black

Discussion in 'Parallels Secure Workspace General' started by PatrikP2, Jan 15, 2025.

  1. PatrikP2

    PatrikP2 Bit poster


    We have several RDS servers where users can connect to via a Full Desktop session.
    When they connect to these servers they have a blue background which is fine.

    I now try to setup a new RDS session Host.
    For this new RDS Host, I have made a new Full Desktop Application.
    The problem is, that when I connect via Awingu to this server via a Full Desktop, I get a black background.
    When I connect to that server via mstsc, I get a nice standard image as background.

    In the attachements you can see a screenshot of what I try to explain.

    On the new RDS host, I also want a nice background image, or at least a solid color.
    How can I achive this?

    Many thanks in advance.

    Attached Files:

  2. JeffreyBostoen@Parallels

    JeffreyBostoen@Parallels Junior Member

    This is done automatically as a performance tweak.
    There's currently no option to override this behavior.

    If you are an existing customer, please raise a feature request through my.parallels.com so we can add your company as an interested party to this feature request.

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