Anyone try a DirectX 12 game yet?

Discussion in 'Product updates and feedback' started by SWANDY, Sep 11, 2024.


    SWANDY Pro

    Have they finally added DirectX 12 support yet? I downloaded and upgraded my Parallels to 20. Went in to Windows 11 - did they updates and then tested the two installed programs that I need (Links 2003 for play and Lotus Approach for society work) and they are both fine. Have not tried installing Diablo IV or Diablo II Resurrected yet as they both require DirectX 12 support - was hoping someone else took the time to install an app/game that requires it.
  2. DaisyA

    DaisyA Bit poster

    The discussion has brought up a continuing interest in gaming performance in virtual environments and it would be helpful if users shared their experiences with specific games.

    SWANDY Pro

    I tried Diablo 4 which would install (again) but not run with a message about the video. So I didn't bother with Diablo II Resurrection (also Direct X 12). I know that Diablo Immortal is "listed" I believe as Direct X 12, but that even ran before on Parallels 19 - albeit not great on my Windows 11 VM.
  4. DaisyA

    DaisyA Bit poster

    I totally agree! Sharing experiences with specific games can provide valuable insights into performance in virtual environments. Let's exchange our thoughts and help each other improve our gaming experiences!
  5. ChristopherS40

    ChristopherS40 Bit poster

    I have a MacBook Pro (M3-Max, 16 cores, 64GB Ram) used Parallels 20.1.0 (55732) today with D2R and it played "playable" configured for "Games Only" under General Settings, and then 8 processors / 32GB Ram, Active Hypervisor On. In game all settings were low, 1x for Anisotropic Filtering, High for Transparency Quality, FXAA for Anti-Aliasing, also no setting check box was checked, framerate target = 0, 800x600 resolution, lighting quality was high by accident (I'd probably turn that down), emulation set to GDI. I have not tested adjusting any setting more than that. It loads some parts a bit slow, lags with lots of enemies on the screen, but "playable" enough for me to clear the den of evil... So, it's a start for a dx12 game.
  6. megavolt17

    megavolt17 Pro

    Alone in the Dark (2024) is listed as requiring DirectX 12 to work. It works on my M3 Max MacBook Pro in Parallels 20.

    I am not sure why it works. Per Parallels published information DirectX 12 does not work.

    SWANDY Pro

    Has anyone tried Diablo IV? I am running it under Crossover (as well as Diablo Immortal and D2R) though the disconnect issue - especially when transporting or leaving a dungeon - is still rather annoying and though many people have been blaming it on the Battlenet servers, I don't know if that is the reason or the fact I am running it on a Mac/Crossover combination. Would love to be able to test Diablo IV on Parallels/Windows 11 but the last time I installed it I also got the incompatible video message and the game would not start. (Would love to get rid of either Parallels/Windows or Crossover, but they each seem to run some apps/games I need/want and not some others.)
  8. megavolt17

    megavolt17 Pro

    It looks like it requires DirectX 12, and there is no way to get it to run with DirectX 11 or lower. Presently Parallels 20 and below do not support DirectX 12, so running it with Parallels is not likely to work for you.

    CrossOver is so inconsistent in what works or does not. Sometimes a game works, then after an update it does not, then months later they may fix it (or not). Too bad Steam does not port Proton to Mac. Compatibility is much better on Steam Deck than on CrossOver, even though Proton is based on Wine/CrossOver technology.

    SWANDY Pro

    I know about the DirectX 12 issues, was hoping with all the Windows and Parallels updates that perhaps it was running now. And as far as Crossover - Diablo IV ran perfectly BEFORE the Vessel of Hatred expansion when all the issues (freezing and constant updates) started. So was hoping to try it on Parallels/Windows 11 to see if the same issues exist there.
  10. jamesb75

    jamesb75 Bit poster

    Yeah, I've tried a few DX12 games! The performance boost is noticeable in some titles, especially with modern GPUs. However, it can be hit-or-miss depending on the game's optimization--some run flawlessly, while others seem to introduce random stutters or crashes. Which games are you looking to test?
  11. SWANDY

    SWANDY Pro

    Diablo IV, Diablo 2 Resurrected and Diablo Immortal.
  12. ChristopheC6


    I've tested this weekend Diablo IV Vessel of Hatred and it doesn't work. Diablo Immortal is working very well. So I had to go back to my old PC gaming for playing D4 extension ... no specific message only an error code. Disappointed to reuse my old Windows gaming computer ... maybe if I've the courage, I'll try to test with Apple GPK to test if it works but sometimes some windows files conflicts with my Sophos AV :'(
  13. RobertD42

    RobertD42 Bit poster

    Currently trying to run KingdomCome Deliverance II , on MacOS 15.3 and a MacMini M2 Pro using Parallels 20.2.0 - still no DirectX 12 support I guess. I did reach out to Parallels asking if this is the issue, and am waiting for a reply.

    As stated to support : I would rather continue purchasing Parallels licences than support Microssoft ;-)

    Current situation : about 25% of my games run natively on MacOS , and a lot of games run on Parallels if they only need DirectX 11 - but as soon as DX12 is needed I get major issues

    Latest no-go :
    - Kingdom Come Deliverance II
    - Manour Lords
  14. megavolt17

    megavolt17 Pro

    No ETA for Parallels supporting DirectX 12. It's been requested for years.

    Kingdom Come Deliverance II is listed as "Installs but does not run" for CrossOver
    Manor Lords is listed as "Runs Well" for CrossOver.

    Currently I have both CrossOver and Parallels for this reason, which is a bit frustrating.
    SWANDY and RobertD42 like this.
  15. SWANDY

    SWANDY Pro

    Me too (Crossover/Parallels) though I use Parallels/Windows 11 to also run Lotus Approach and Links 2003 (both of which I can't get Crossover to run properly. So I am stuck with both for the time being.
  16. JM_9



    I, along with many other users, have been experiencing persistent performance issues and application compatibility problems with the current [Current Driver Version] video driver for the current iteration m4 and parallels builds. These issues include frame rate drops in specific games, crashes in specific applications, visual artifacts, etc.

    There are numerous reports circulating online and within this forum detailing similar experiences, indicating that these are not isolated incidents.

    We understand that driver development takes time and resources, but we are eager to know if a new or beta driver is currently in development to address these concerns. Specifically, we would like to inquire about:

    • Is a new driver currently being worked on to resolve these performance and application issues?
    • If so, is there an estimated timeframe for when we can expect a beta or official release?
    • Are there any specific areas of focus in the upcoming driver that address the reported problems (e.g., optimizations for specific games/applications)?
    • Is there any troubleshooting advice or temporary workarounds that can be provided while we wait for a driver update?
    We appreciate your attention to this matter and look forward to your response. Clear communication regarding the status of driver development would be greatly appreciated and would help alleviate the frustration many users are experiencing.

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