Anno 1800 on new Mac Book Pro M1 Pro Chip/Windows 11

Discussion in 'Parallels Desktop on a Mac with Apple silicon' started by SebastienB5, Nov 9, 2021.

  1. SebastienB5

    SebastienB5 Bit poster

    Anybody has tried to run Anno 1800 on the new Macbook Pro with the M1 pro chip and under windows 11?
  2. ThomasR43

    ThomasR43 Bit poster

    Best Answer
    Please go to C:\Program Files (x86)\Ubisoft\Ubisoft Game Launcher\games\Anno 1800\Bin\Win64 and open the settings of Anno1800.exe, then go to compatibility and choose Windows 8. Then go to emulation settings and choose secure emulation (or safe emulation in english?). That's what was working for me.
    PeterW62 and FakeA1 like this.
  3. Parakek

    Parakek Bit poster

    Yes. Works...mostly.
    Is this still of interest?
  4. SebastienB5

    SebastienB5 Bit poster

    Yes this is still of interest! From your comment I understand that it might show some issues?
  5. Parakek

    Parakek Bit poster

    It works well, besides very slow loading times. But you have to set the VM as optimized for gaming and you have to remove the sharing of at least "My Documents" with the host, as otherwise savegames will not work.
  6. Unfortunately with MBP 32GB 16GPU and Parallels Desktop 18 Standard and W11 Pro it's crashing all the time on my end.
    VM is isolated, optimized for games, Fullscreen optimized for games aswell, but it's always going to die while loading the first screen where normally the epilepsy warning comes up. Also I've tried to change the compatibility for ARM.
    Has anything changed since last year that it cannot work anymore?
    Those with a working setup: Could you describe your setup, i.e. @Parakek?
    Thanks in advance.
  7. FakeA1

    FakeA1 Bit poster

    I have the exact same issue now on my M1 MacBook Pro 14ยดยด with 32 gigs and 16 GPU cores. I already changed the config file in all possible ways, but it always crashes when it comes to the warning screen. Did you find any solution which helped?
  8. ThomasR43

    ThomasR43 Bit poster

    Best Answer
    Please go to C:\Program Files (x86)\Ubisoft\Ubisoft Game Launcher\games\Anno 1800\Bin\Win64 and open the settings of Anno1800.exe, then go to compatibility and choose Windows 8. Then go to emulation settings and choose secure emulation (or safe emulation in english?). That's what was working for me.
    PeterW62 and FakeA1 like this.
  9. FakeA1

    FakeA1 Bit poster

    You are my hero of the day. Thank you very much <3 After a month not being able to play Anno 1800, I can finally play again thanks to you
    PeterW62 likes this.
  10. PeterW62


    OMG! Thank you! This worked for me too after a year plus of not being able to play.
    I have an M1 16" Macbook Pro 64 GB Ram, on Ventura 13.2.1. Running Anno 1800 on Parallels Desktop 19.2.1 and Windows 11 from the Ubisoft Game launcher.
  11. expo8282

    expo8282 Bit poster

    Anyone have any luck running Anno 1800 on an M4 running W11? I tired the above setting but the game never launches it tries to start but never does and doesn't throw any error messages or log anything that I can find.

    One thing that I did find interesting it is that it never even gets to the point of creating the user files in the Documents folder. Running as an Admin doesn't change anything.

    I did double check all my setting and everything compares to an Intel running W11 where the game runs correctly and everything matched.
  12. Parakek

    Parakek Bit poster

    Have you done this? It sounds a lot like a similar issue:
    "You have to set the VM as optimized for gaming and you have to remove the sharing of at least "My Documents" with the host, as otherwise savegames will not work."
  13. expo8282

    expo8282 Bit poster

    Yeah tried both of those options.

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