Nested Virtualization on Apple Silicon

Discussion in 'Parallels Desktop for Mac Feature Suggestions' started by, Oct 17, 2022.

  1. Member

    I simply do not understand why nested hypervisors are not supported in the ARM M1 version yet.

    Also please add AlmaLinux and/or RockyLinux to the installation list.

    Finally when can we expect Parallels Tools to work on Alma and/or Rocky ???
    Devon D, DaphneP, MarkM40 and 5 others like this.
  2. MarkB30

    MarkB30 Bit poster

    Please work on nested virtualization on Apple Silicon devices for Parallels Desktop 19. Windows 11 ARM64 runs great but WSL2 support is missing because of nested virtualization missing.
    ibefindia and MatthewR20 like this.
  3. computeronix

    computeronix Bit poster

    +1 need nested virtualization for M2 and Windows 11 so Sandbox // WSL2 // Hyper-V // VirtualBox // etc
    AndreasK27 and MatthewR20 like this.
  4. Юрий_Трухин

    Юрий_Трухин Bit poster

    Finally, macOS 15 introduces support for Nested Virtualization!
    THANK YOU, Apple!!!

    Now, for developing WSL2 support and building cloud sandboxes with virtualization within virtual machines, a separate computer will no longer be needed!

    I've been waiting for this since the introduction of Apple Silicon processors, checking for this feature every release, and now the API is finally here!

    I'm looking forward to the Parallels Desktop update more than ever!
    AndreasK27, MatthewR20 and ScottE7 like this.
  5. Mikhail Ushakov

    Mikhail Ushakov Parallels Team

    hi everyone!
    Would you help us, and answer the following question: what use case would be unlocked for you if WSL2 was supported? Why is creating a Linux virtual machine not an option for you?
    Thank you in advance ;)
  6. mixodett

    mixodett Bit poster

    I hope for better file system I/O performance as claimed in this video (4 years old and probably Intel-related while I'm running Parallels on recent ARM Mac, but probably still applicable in general):

    There's some unrelated stuff, but:

    1:09 WSL2 has faster I/O performance, 3-6 x
    2:39 unzipping a tar ball under WSL2 can be 20 x faster
    10:13 architectures
    WSL1: translation-based (translate Linux system call to Windows system calls)
    WLS2: virtualization-based, lightweight utility VM, Windows hypervisor layer

    Given that, I actually don't understand your question "Why is creating a Linux virtual machine not an option for you?". WLS2 is exactly that.

    My problem: I can create a 3 GB tar ball (not compressed, I'm focussing on I/O here) under macOS in < 8 seconds. Tarring the same directory tree copied to a Windows file system takes about 10 minutes(!), regardless of using Cygwin tar (x86-64, no ARM port available, probably suffering from the same system call mapping as WSL1) or Linux tar under WSL1. This is a nightmare (75 times - not percent - slower), of course, and that's why I'm looking forward to WSL2 support.
    MatthewR20 and Andriy S. like this.
  7. Andriy S.

    Andriy S. Bit poster

    This property appearance doesn't necessarily mean support for nested virtualization on ARM64. Nested virtualization has been supported on Mac OS in Parallels for quite a while. So this property can just mean that MacOS's built-in hypervisor supports enabling nested virtualization (e.g. on Intel processors). But it still may be unsupported on Apple Silicon.
  8. Andriy S.

    Andriy S. Bit poster

    Using WSL2 is simply way more straightforward and flexible. It's obviously easier to setup Docker only on Windows machine, when most things are installed and configured automatically, and resources usage is minimized. Installing a Linux vm with docker service, configuring network, and especially files mappings is so much additional work! Take for instance .Net development under Visual Studio - VS maps folders with source code and debugger into a WSL2 docker container easily and automatically, because WSL2 is well integrated with Windows. But when using separate VM, will this mapping work that easily (if at all)?
    Also, nested virtualization is not only about Docker. It's also emulators and Windows Sandbox.
  9. BaylinB1

    BaylinB1 Bit poster

    Not interested in running two VMs side by side. Need to be running the windows VM at all times.
    AndreasK27 and AwsefU like this.
  10. Andriy S.

    Andriy S. Bit poster

    My bad, they actually state in the property docs: "Nested virtualization is available for Mac with the M3 chip, and later.". So at least in MacOS hypervisor it's supported on newest Macs. Still unclear when to expect this with Parallels...
    computeronix likes this.
  11. AwsefU


    I use Visual Studio Code for DevOps work on Windows and rely on the Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL). I hope this answers your question!

    Additionally, why is such a basic support option missing? Users shouldn't have to request it themselves, especially when Microsoft only officially supports Parallels as a platform.
    AndreasK27 likes this.
  12. computeronix

    computeronix Bit poster

    There may be hope then with M3 and parallels App Store edition if the APIs are allowed in the App Store side of things with Apple + Parallels? :) - great find!
    AndreasK27 likes this.
  13. OliverS31

    OliverS31 Bit poster

    I don't understand these forums. We are in the "feature suggestions" forum, but this item can't be voted on? Well here's my +1 -- been long enough for Apple to finally support this, now Parallels needs to catch up asap! UTM seems to be getting there already...
    Krystian1 likes this.
  14. MarkM40

    MarkM40 Bit poster

    On my Intel Mac (using Windows via boot camp), I use remote testing in Visual Studio to check my code works correctly on Linux via WSL2. I am wanting to use this workflow on an Apple Silicon Mac via a virtual Windows machine.
    AndreasK27 likes this.
  15. JulianD5

    JulianD5 Bit poster

    I use parallels for software compatibility in one virtual machine for school. There's one piece of software that runs best on windows, so I use a Parallels Windows VM. The other runs on Windows x86 or Linux ARM. I set it up via WSL1 (would have been a lot easier with WSL2 thanks to WSLg) but I couldn't get USB passthrough working since that was only a WSL2 feature.
  16. RezaK


    i had exactly the same problem about six months ago. i didn't solve the problem then. Now i am happy that i have come along to your page and seen all these awesome comments. thank you all ;)
  17. إbrax'ima

    إbrax'ima Bit poster

    The USB passthrough feature on WSL2,
    Linux virtual machine makes my M3 mac super hot!

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