Is it possible to disable automatic open of paralells installed apps from macOS? Files like webm, or txt files auto open in paralells (when opened from mail or finder), which is extrmly anoying. Even resetting the default App on macOS and having a paralells update reassigns the paralell app.
I believe you're referring to the Parallels VM opening Mac specific programs. If I'm wrong, ignore this. Go into the Actions menu selection, select Configure, select Options, under Options select Applications and remove the check mark from Share Windows Applications With Mac and if you want the PVM to be completely isolated, remove the check mark in Share Mac applications with Windows also. If you're running the VM in full-screen mode, you can get out of full-screen mode by pressing CTRL-Command-F to exit full-screen and press the same key combination to return to full screen.
Sorry, it's the other way around, Windows programs are opening Mac files. Same operation as above. The only change is in what opens what.
It's really frustrating when Parallels keeps taking over file associations on macOS. Disabling "Share Windows apps with Mac" in Parallels settings and resetting default apps should fix it.