Update Windows to 24H2 on Arm

Discussion in 'Windows Virtual Machine' started by JulsS, Jun 21, 2024.

  1. JulsS

    JulsS Member

    Has anyone been able to get Win 11 24H2 running on ARM? I've been checking the Insider Preview channel for a couple of weeks and it still has not been offered to me. I am not sure if it is because of the rolling deployment or if it the ARM version is only being offered to Copilot+ PCs.
  2. rickwookie

    rickwookie Bit poster

    Best Answer
    Creating a new registry key "Windowsupdate" in Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows with the three value as shown here seems to have worked for me...
    View attachment 22893
    Antik, Martijnv5, DazOG and 34 others like this.
  3. JeremyS13

    JeremyS13 Bit poster

    I think Parallels has a block or compatibility issue, that's preventing it from being offered.
  4. LeRoi

    LeRoi Hunter

    I'm running 26257.5000 (24H2) with Parallels 19 on a Mac Studio. Are you trying to use the Beta, Developer, or Canary version?
  5. GeorgP1

    GeorgP1 Bit poster

    I received the last cumulative update in October 2023 - since then I am receiving only "Security Intelligence Updates" for Windows Defender - can anyone explain to me why I am not receiving updates anymore? I am running Windows 11 Pro 21H2 for Arm (licensed).
    StephenC9 likes this.
  6. GeorgP1

    GeorgP1 Bit poster

    Sometimes I'm thinking the same - also waiting for the 23H2-update.
  7. LeRoi

    LeRoi Hunter

    Are you running any of the Insider versions? There was a MS hold on going to 24H2. I don't know if that's still the case however. I run the Insider Beta Preview on an Intel machine and that's still at 23H2 with the promise (threat? :D ) of being updated to 24H2 "one day".
  8. GeorgP1

    GeorgP1 Bit poster

    No, I am running a full licensed version of Windows 11 Pro ARM (21H2).
  9. LeRoi

    LeRoi Hunter

    Fully licensed doesn't seem to be helping under these circumstances. I just received 3 different cumulative updates yesterday (Preview Beta, Developer, Canary. All are Win 11 Pro ARM and full license) and don't run a "standard" version of Win 11 Pro. I'll load one on my Mac Studio and see if I have the same problem. Just out of curiosity, what are the specs of the machine you're having problems with?
  10. GeorgP1

    GeorgP1 Bit poster

    Using a MBP M1 Pro.
  11. LeRoi

    LeRoi Hunter

    Just installed Win 11 Pro ARM via Parallels. Straight install, no modifications to installation. All installation steps completed, and here's the System information:
    Edition Windows 11 Pro
    Version 23H2
    Installed on ‎8/‎10/‎2024
    OS build 22631.2861
    Experience Windows Feature Experience Pack 1000.22681.1000.0

    Installed Pro product key. Ran Windows Update and have .Net and Cumulative Win 11 updates. Seems to be working normally. I'd suggest if it's not a huge problem that you back up your existing .PVM file somewhere and delete the one in the Parallels directory and then do a Parallels reinstall. Everything (install, activation, updating) seems to be working normally for me.
  12. JulsS

    JulsS Member

    I was looking for the release preview or release version of 24H2 for ARM. My understanding is that it has been released for Copilot+ devices but ISOs have not been posted by Microsoft and the update is not offered to 23H2 ARM parallels VMs on the release preview/release channels.
  13. LeRoi

    LeRoi Hunter

    Try uupdump.net. There are ARM64 ISO's for all versions of Win11. Here's what's available as of 08/20/24 as of 06:32 EDT.

    Public Release Version
    Windows 11, version 23H2 (22631.4108) arm64
    Build number: 22631.4108

    Release Preview Version
    Windows 11, version 24H2 (26100.1586) arm64
    Build number: 26100.1586

    Beta Channel Build
    Windows 11 Insider Preview 10.0.22635.4076 (ni_release) arm64
    Build number: 22635.4076

    Dev Channel
    Windows 11 Insider Preview 10.0.26120.1542 (ge_release_svc_betaflt_upr) arm64
    Build number: 26120.1542

    Canary Channel
    Windows 11 Insider Preview 27686.1000 (rs_prerelease) arm64
    Build number: 27686.1000
  14. StephenC9

    StephenC9 Junior Member

    I, too, am wondering why no cumulative update since:
    2023-10 Cumulative Update for Windows 11 for arm64-based Systems (KB5031358) - installed 14/10/2023
    The about box shows:
    Edition Windows 11 Home
    Version 21H2
    Installed on ‎14/‎01/‎2022
    OS build 22000.2538
    Experience Windows Feature Experience Pack 1000.22001.1000.0

    I get regular updates to Defender, etc - just nothing past 21H2
    For reference, Parallels reports: Parallels Desktop for Mac (Pro Edition) Version 19.4.1 (54985)
    And my M1 Pro MacBook Pro is running macOS Sonoma 14.6.1
    TBH, it's not a great issue as I rarely use Windows nowadays - most times it's run is to get updates! It's there as a backup for a few programs I might need that don't have Mac equivalents (though that is probably now a luxury); I use my Ubuntu VM more and, even then, nothing show-stopping. I've run Parallels ever since switching from using a Windows PC to a Mac in 2012, at which time continuing to have ready access to Windows was essential. My annual licence is up for renewal next week and, whilst I'll probably let it auto renew this year, it might be the last time.
  15. LeRoi

    LeRoi Hunter

    You seem to be running the Win 11 Home version. I doubt that MS makes much of an effort to do more than necessary to keep it running. I don't think I've ever seen an update to the Home version.
  16. JulsS

    JulsS Member

    @LeRoi, thanks but I only download OS images from Microsoft.
    @StephenC9, I ran into the same problem. If you create a new Windows VM from within Parallels, it should create it with Windows 11 23H2.
  17. LeRoi

    LeRoi Hunter

    The MS images are VHDX files only. True they can be loaded as independent drives but, in my experience, they are not bootable and require a torturous amount of work to do an update. While uupdump.net offers ISO's, the process to produce an ISO requires starting with a MS VHDX file and then creating an ISO from that file. I have no connection to uupdump.net other than carefully with deep digging, ascertain that it is indeed a valid MS image which is converted to an ISO. As a bit of background (and definitely not to brag), I'm a CISSP and CEH. I have over 30 years of computer security work and study, and am an EE. Obviously, this doesn't mean a whole lot but it does give me a rough idea if something, OS-wise is legit.
  18. Gabriel Oliveira

    Gabriel Oliveira Bit poster

    The update to 24H2 was not being offered to me even though I was:
    1. Fully licenced with a Windows 11 Pro licence.
    2. In the Windows Insider Program.
    3. Running 23H2 so far.
    Today, 8 September 2024, Melbourne, Australia, out of the blue and for no particular reason, Windows Update offered me the update to 24H2.

    After the update, the Windows Insider pannel inside Settings says:
    Installed build: 26100.1591 ge_release

    System > About says:
    Edition: Windows 11 Pro
    Version: 24H2
    Installed on: ‎9/‎8/‎2024
    OS build: 26100.1591
    Experience: Windows Feature Experience Pack 1000.26100.18.0
  19. LeRoi

    LeRoi Hunter

    Which Insider version are you running?
    I just installed the Beta (not Preview) and it's still 23H2. I'm on the other side of the world from you (US), and the rollout is random (or has some schedule that only MS knows), but I'm running
    Windows 11 Insider Preview 10.0.22635.4145 (ni_release)

    Edition Windows 11 Pro
    Version 23H2
    Installed on ‎09/‎08/‎2024
    OS build 22631.2861
    Experience Windows Feature Experience Pack 1000.22681.1000.0
    (incidentally and for my own curiosity, are you in NSW?)
  20. LeRoi

    LeRoi Hunter

    Okay, I just checked the versions I have loaded and they are:
    The beta version detailed above.
    Release Version:
    Edition Windows 11 Pro
    Version 23H2
    Installed on ‎08/‎10/‎2024
    OS build 22631.4112
    Experience Windows Feature Experience Pack 1000.22700.1034.0

    Developer Version:
    Edition Windows 11 Pro
    Version 24H2
    Installed on ‎09/‎02/‎2024
    OS build 26120.1542
    Experience Windows Feature Experience Pack 1000.26100.18.0

    Canary Version:
    Edition Windows 11 Pro
    Version 24H2
    Installed on ‎09/‎02/‎2024
    OS build 26120.1542
    Experience Windows Feature Experience Pack 1000.26100.18.0
  21. Gabriel Oliveira

    Gabriel Oliveira Bit poster

    Strange thing. I am subscribed to the Release Preview channel only, and it did offer me the upgrade to 24H2.
    I can think of two hypotheses for why this happened:
    1. I bought and activated a separate Copilot+ PC the day before with the same Microsoft account. That was shipped with 24H2 out of the box. Maybe Microsoft thought I should be offered a consistent experience across all Windows installations I have, and, thus, decided to offer me the upgrade through the Release Preview channel. Of course, that's quite a stretch as it would require Microsoft to cross check a lot of information and keep a pretty comprehensive profile on me, which would be slightly scary, I guess.
    2. It could be just a time thing. I had been subscribed to the Release Preview channel for over a fortnight by the time it offered me the upgrade.

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