Keyboard not working when setting up new MacOS VM

Discussion in 'Installation and Configuration of Parallels Desktop' started by XavierP2, Nov 22, 2023.

  1. XavierP2

    XavierP2 Bit poster

    My host machine is an M1 MacBook Pro running MacOS Montery. I'm using Parallels 18. I am trying to set up a new MacOS VM but when I get to the initial steps where you have to type in your Apple ID etc, the keyboard doesn't work at all. I tried the MacBook Pro's built-in keyboard as well as a wireless Apple keyboard but none allow me to type during the setup.

    Both keyboards work normally elsewhere. Anyone has experienced this with perhaps a fix/workaround?

    AwaisK1 likes this.
  2. Pramesh Boodadoo

    Pramesh Boodadoo Staff Member

    For us to further investigate this issue, kindly reproduce the issue and collect a technical report (right-click Parallels icon in Dock > Help > Send technical data > check "Attach screenshots..." > press Send Report) and provide us with the report's 9-digit ID in reply to this post.
    Thank you.
  3. KinsleyK


    Any update on this? i have the same exact problem
  4. Nischay Gaya

    Nischay Gaya Parallels Support

    Hello @KinsleyK ,

    Please attempt to reinstall the Parallels tools using below steps:

    1. Start your macOS virtual machine.
    2. When macOS boots up, log in to the graphical session and choose Reinstall Parallels Tools from the Virtual Machine menu. Parallels Tools will be reinstalled automatically.

    If the issue persists, for us to further investigate this issue, kindly reproduce the issue and collect a technical report (right-click Parallels icon in Dock > Help > Send technical data > check "Attach screenshots..." > press Send Report) and provide us with the report's 9-digit ID in reply to this post.
    Thank you.
  5. MattG19


    "When macOS boots up, log in to the graphical session..."

    Can't. Keyboard's not working. That's the issue. Help?

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