External hard drives can no longer be opened in Windows 11 / Error message

Discussion in 'Parallels Desktop on a Mac with Apple silicon' started by ArtistW, Jan 31, 2024.

  1. ArtistW

    ArtistW Member

    External hard drives that are recognized on Mac can no longer be opened in Windows 11. In the settings under Sharing everything is shared, including sharing Mac volumes, etc. The following message appears in Windows, attempts with several different hard drives (HD, SSD) also failed. MacBook M3, Sonoma, Parallels 19.2.1 Error.jpg
  2. Nischay Gaya

    Nischay Gaya Parallels Support


    As a solution, we would suggest to re-install the Parallels tools by following steps:

    1. Start your virtual machine
    2. In the Mac Top menu, click on Actions > Reinstall Parallels Tools.

    You may refer to this Knowledge Base for further guidance: https://kb.parallels.com/112609?language=de

    Once the reinstallation has been completed, please check if the issue still persists.

    Furthermore, please ensure the sharing of Mac volumes with Windows is enabled:

    1. Shutdown your virtual machine (Click on "Actions" menu on top of the mac menu bar > Shutdown OR if the virtual machine is suspended > resume it first then shutdown).
    2. Right-click on the Parallels Icon in the Dock > Select "Control Center" > Right-click on your virtual machine > select "Configure".
    3. Select "Options" tab > Sharing > Under "Share Mac" > Tick "Share cloud folders with Windows"
    4. Launch your virtual machine and check if the external disk is now recognized.

    If the issue still persists, kindly open your virtual machine, reproduce the problem experienced and Collect a technical report (right-click the Parallels icon in Dock > Help > Send technical data > check "Attach screenshots..." > press Send Report) and provide us with the report's 9-digit ID in reply to this thread.

    Please find this KB article describing in more details the steps for sending a technical report: https://kb.parallels.com/fr/9058?language=de

    Thank you.
  3. ArtistW

    ArtistW Member

    Hello, the ID is 449745492
    Parallels Tools has been reinstalled, sharing is turned on. The problem still exists with all my external hard drives, HD, SSD
  4. ArtistW

    ArtistW Member

    Solution from support:
    System settings - Data protection & security - Full disk access tab "Parallels marked"
    Now that worked!

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