Drive redirection problems

Discussion in 'Parallels Remote Application Server' started by PatrickD8, Jan 10, 2024.

  1. PatrickD8

    PatrickD8 Member

    Hello folks,
    since upgrading to 19.3.x it often happens that the drive redirection on servers suddenly stops working. Only a service or server restart solves the problem. I had already reinstalled the service, but without success. Several people with various end devices and operating systems work on these systems. The first information came from MacOS users. We have deactivated drive caching there. Then it was quiet for a few days until the problem reappeared. As soon as the problem occurs, drive redirection does not work for any user on the system.

    Is it possible to reinstall or repair only this component, similar to the printer redirection module? Does anyone have similar problems or an idea how to solve the problem in the long term?

    Best regards
  2. PaulChristopher@Parallels

    PaulChristopher@Parallels Product Expert Staff Member

    Dear @PatrickD8,
    If I understand correctly, it appears always first for MacOS users only, then it appeared that the redirection does not work for any user.
    Which specific version and build of the RAS Server are you using?
    Anyway, for now,
    To restart the driver, execute the following commands:
    net stop rasrdpfs
    net start rasrdpfs

    No need to reinstall; these commands will suffice.

    If the issue persists, please provide the RAS version. We will then examine the driver version to identify any known issues. Subsequently, we will share an updated version with a fix for you to test.
  3. MixailP

    MixailP Bit poster

    Hello Patrck,
    It`s hard to say what might cause this behaviour right away, as it would require additional details, like if this issue affects only specific agents (like RDSH, or maybe VDI).
    Could you please submit a ticket with - so this issue could be looked into in more details?
  4. PatrickD8

    PatrickD8 Member

    Hi @PaulChristopher,
    Thanks for your message and the commands.

    The problem was first reported by macOS users. Hence the theory that they may be causing the problem. However, this does not necessarily have to be the case. As soon as the problem occurs, all other users are affected, regardless of client version and operating system.

    The problem was reported to us in November shortly after upgrading to Before that we were on version 19.2.3.x
    Even after upgrading to version 19.3.1-24619, the problem persists.

    I will try the commands as soon as the problem occurs again.

    Best regards
  5. PaulChristopher@Parallels

    PaulChristopher@Parallels Product Expert Staff Member

    Thank you @PatrickD8
    Please let us know whether commands for restarting the driver resolved the issue.

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