Hi, I am on a 16" MBP 2021 M1 with Parallels 19.2. I run Windows Update regularly, but haven't received a Windows update for the longest time. I get Defender and NET Framework update, plus some cumulative Windows updates, but my Windows version still shows the following: Edition Windows 11 Pro Version 21H2 Installed on 9/13/2022 OS build 22000.2538 Experience Windows Feature Experience Pack 1000.22001.1000.0 Is this the latest ARM version available or should I already have 22/H1, 22/H2 or even a 23/Hx version? I just want to ensure I have the lastest Windows ARM update available on my Mac.
Nobody can tell me what the latest Windows version is? Is there a newer version and where can I find it?
I had 2 chat sessions with MS support, they checked my system, we tried different things, but were not able to get Windows Update to find neither 22H2 nor 23H2. I had tried to set the update to 22H2 and 23H2 with GPEDIT and GPUPDATE /force, but still the updates were not available in Windows Update. Further, the MS tech. suggested to contact Parallels support, after my VMs are running on a Mac. Can you guys help me with the missing updates? I have 2 VM stuck on 21H2, and one that updated correctly to 23H2, but this is just having W11 nothing else. I need to get my Production VM updated to the latest Windows version. I want to avoid having to transfer all the licenses, the setup and lots of mapping from the production VM to the one that updated to 23H2.
I restored a previous VM backup, did the gpedit to use Windows 11 with 23H2, did the gpupdatep /force, rebooted the VM, then ran Windows Update again. At least now if found update 23H2, but I got an error message, that the update could not be installed with the account I am signed into. I am supposed to use another account. Well, I am the only user on the Mac, and only have one account. Can anybody from support have a look and let me know what the error means, and what else I can try? Thanks Gerd
The latest release version is 22000.2479 (21H2) released on 9/14/2023 or 22621.2787 (22H2) released on 11/16/2023. Are you a Microsoft Insider? If so, you can download the latest ARM version from the MS Insider site as a VHDX file, mount it and do the update. I personally do not run the release version (we test Beta, Dev, and Canary builds for future anomalies) and all current versions we run are 23H2 so I'm not sure how helpful this is.
Thanks for your reply, LeRoi. I was an insider when I was starting out with W10 ARM, but after everything was stable, I removed myself as an insider, upgraded to W11 and used the VM as my "production" VM. The strange thing is, I have 2 other VMs with W11 Pro ARM that were updated with 23H2, just not my production VM. I am the only user on the Mac, thus, each VM is using the same user id, which also is a local account, and not an MS account. I even went back from P19.2 to P17.1.7 to see if that makes a difference, but it did not. I created a ticket with P support, but have not heard anything back yet. I just wish that their support is a bit faster.
Are you running the release version of Win11 ARM64? Did you do the download from the Parallels app? When I did the installs from Parallels, I never had a problem with it running. Are there legacy programs that you require that you don't have backups or registration information for that would preclude you from reinstalling Win11? If you go into Control Panel and select Backup and Restore (Windows 7) you may be able to backup any legacy programs that you have and restore them to a new VM.
Continued from above: The Windows 11 version that Parallels downloads and installs as a new VM is the latest posted by MS for public download. If possible, you might want to install a second VM on your production machine and check the version on it to see if it's 23H2. You might also run Update on the new VM (if not the latest version) and ensure it downloads and installs any updates. I've never had a problem running simultaneous VMs using the same user name, so that shouldn't be a problem.
Like I said, I had W10 running first, then ended my Insider, then when W11 was officially available I downloaded the update to W11 Pro ARMjnm. I already installed my main apps on the VM that updated to 23H2, it just took a bit of time to get my licenses transferred. But the setup and some extensive mapping I tired to avoid. But I am all done. When I was on the phone with MS support we had downloaded the latest W11 version to do an update, but that did not work either. And even after creating an W11 ISO and tried to use that to update my VM it did not work. And MS pointed to Parallels to get help. I have my main apps up and running, but I am still waiting on Parallels support to figure out why the VM cannot load the 23H2 update due to the user ID I am using.
I've had a problem updating the Insider Canary (26xxx) version but no problems with either the beta or developer versions. I don't use the release version on any machine because I'm in a test environment (I'm a primary contractor/CISSP/Security/Migration person) for an organization that primarily uses Macs but has some legacy programs that were designed strictly for Windows. So far, every 23H2 update (with the exception of Canary builds) has loaded with no problem.