M1 MAX performance issues

Discussion in 'Parallels Desktop on a Mac with Apple silicon' started by ZoltanB3, Feb 9, 2022.

  1. ZoltanB3

    ZoltanB3 Bit poster


    I am using a M1 Max 64GB hardware on Monterey 12.2 and I expected something totally different performance from Parallels.
    First I installed a Windows 10. Booting took ages. I need windows to work with Intuiface softwares (which refers to Parallels if one works on Mac... https://support.intuiface.com/hc/en...ements#minimum-specifications-for-windows-pcs) but they start super slow, and then perform shittier than on a weaker intel nuc with Remote Desktop access!

    I updated to Windows 11 and the whole thing boots faster, but Intuiface still performs poorly.

    I downloaded Steam on both OS to try CS:Go for curiosity... the intro video was rugged! then the game didn't even start...

    I tried the suggested CPU/Memory assignment options, but I also tried to boost it a bit, no significant development. The CPU usage on windows shows high.

    I invested in a killer machine to be sure things are gonna be alright, so I'd like to ask advice or support if this issue could be fixed somehow?

    Thank you!
  2. OliverT5

    OliverT5 Bit poster

    Have you tried disabling spotlight indexing on your vm folder?
    ZoltanB3 likes this.
  3. ZoltanB3

    ZoltanB3 Bit poster

    No, haven't even hear about it, could you please tell me how to?
  4. OliverT5

    OliverT5 Bit poster

    If you go to System Preferences and then select Spotlight there should be a privacy tab which allows you to add folders that you don't want indexing. Select the + symbol and find where your vm is stored and add the folder to the list. A reboot after should then lock in the changes.
  5. ZoltanB3

    ZoltanB3 Bit poster

    Thank you! I will try!
  6. ereward

    ereward Bit poster

    I have removed spotlight from VM directories and Network drives but this makes little difference to the performance of any VM running on Parallels on my M1 I was expecting an improved performance but it is awful basically unusable. I have kept hold of my Intel MacBook Pro to run VM's because at least they run at usable speeds. Even running a MAC VM is unusable.
  7. JoshH13

    JoshH13 Bit poster

    @ereward were you able to resolve the poor performance issues? I have poor performance on mine as well. I mainly run Civil3D and surveying software. Need help!
  8. ereward

    ereward Bit poster

    No basically given up using VMs on M1 Mac I still have an intel MacBook Pro so I'm using that but using VMWARE instead
  9. CraigH23

    CraigH23 Junior Member

    Did you solve Civil3D performance issues?
  10. DavidE7

    DavidE7 Member

    Same issue here, Win10 on iMac i7 ran ok, a now 7 year old hardware
    The new mac studio M2 Ultra is like syrup, completely unusable with Parallels

    I believe if Parallels took the effort of running Windows in Intel mode, rather than Win 11 for ARM would probably do good for this type of setup

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