Magic Mouse scroll not working

Discussion in 'Parallels Desktop on a Mac with Apple silicon' started by AdrianW3, Apr 8, 2022.

  1. AdrianW3

    AdrianW3 Bit poster

    I'm running MS Money under Windows 11 ARM Parallels 17 on an M1 MacBook Pro.
    Money works fine except that the scroll wheel function of the Magic Mouse does not work.
    I can only scroll by dragging on the scroll bar at the right of the window.

    If I connect an old Microsoft USB Intellimouse, its scroll wheel works fine in MS Money..

    The Magic Mouse scroll wheel function works under other apps for example Edge and Chrome,.
    The Magic Mouse scroll also works under another old 32-bit app, Omron Health Management Software V1.32.

    Any idea why the magic mouse scroll isn't working in MS Money and how to fix it?
    MatthiasB18 and AuroraG like this.
  2. SteveG25

    SteveG25 Bit poster

    I have same/similar issue of scroll-wheel not working in most applications -- instead of the Magic Mouse I am using a Logitech MX Ergo Mouse.
    Any ideas how to get scroll wheel to work consistently?
    MatthiasB18 likes this.
  3. RonaldC7

    RonaldC7 Bit poster

    I am having the same issue, I am using two monitors with M1 macbook pro and macos 13 on one and windows 11 on the other. If I turn on mouse tails it scrolls but I cant move the mouse back to the mac screen.
    MatthiasB18 likes this.
  4. AuroraG

    AuroraG Bit poster

    Hi, I have the same problem. I'm running SAPGUI on Windows 11 ARM Parallels 18 on an M1 MacBook Pro.
    The scroll wheel function of the Magic Mouse does not work.
    I can only scroll by dragging on the scroll bar at the right of the window.
    Anyone knows how to fix it?
    MatthiasB18 likes this.
  5. MatthiasB18

    MatthiasB18 Bit poster

    Same problem wit MX Master and Magic Mouse !!!! With a older Logitech all works flawless ...
  6. Pramesh Boodadoo

    Pramesh Boodadoo Staff Member


    To try to resolve the issue, please perform the following steps:
    1. Shut down the Virtual Machine. Make sure that the virtual machine is shut down. If it is in a suspended state, please run it and then shut down (Actions > Shut Down).
    2. Locate your Windows 11 virtual machine (
    3. Open your Windows 11 Virtual Machine by right click on it and choose Show Package Content.
    4. Find and open config.pvs file by right click and choose Open With -> TextEdit
    5. Then you need to find this:

    <SmoothScrolling dyn_lists="">
    and switch 0 to 1.

    6. Restart Parallels Desktop.
    7. Check if the issue persists.
    In case if the issue persists, please collect a technical report (click Parallels icon || > Help > Send technical data > check "Attach screenshots..." > press Send Report) and send the report's 9-digit ID in a reply.

    Thank you.
  7. Redian Dwarf

    Redian Dwarf Bit poster

    Thanks Pramesh
    I have tried your suggestion but smooth scrolling was already set to 1. A Logitech mouse works fine but the Magic Mouse doesn't and I suspect it is due to an actual scroll wheel missing and windows in parallels can't interpret the input of finger swiping (to scroll) on the top of the Magic Mouse.

    Any other solutions or ideas would be welcomed
  8. CarlosM21

    CarlosM21 Bit poster

    Do we have any fix for this issue? I'm unable to use my magic mouse
  9. GrahamB7

    GrahamB7 Bit poster

    I have the same issue.

    Magic Mouse scrolling does not work in some Windows 11 Apps.
  10. GeoffreyK1

    GeoffreyK1 Junior Member

    I find my scroll wheel doesn't work in Windows 11 under Parallels 19.1 or 19.2 after mac wakes from sleep. I have found that if I open the macbook lid and use two finger trackpad scroll while the pointer is in Windows, scrolling works, then after closing the lid the mousewheel scrolling works as expected. I have reported it but no answer yet.
  11. SWANDY

    SWANDY Pro

    I think it depends on the app in Windows 11 ARM. In the Windows Setting window the scroll of the Apple Magic Mouse works. In Adobe Reader it does also, but and older program that I need Windows for (IBN Lotus Approach) it doesn't and I need to use the scroll bar. Apple macOS Sonoma 14.2.1. Latest version of Parallels 19 and Windows 11 ARM all updated.
    I gave up with the Apple mouse in my Windows VM years ago because I felt that I didn't like the way it was behaving and went to a Logitech M720 which I can easily switch between using it on the macOS side and the Windows side with a click of the button that allows setting it up for up to three different Bluetooth devices.
  12. GrahamB7

    GrahamB7 Bit poster

    Yes, I've found that it only affects old legacy applications.
    Unless a fix is found I'll just have to work around it. Annoying.
  13. JohnA32

    JohnA32 Bit poster

    Is Parallels working on a fix for this? It is very frustrating that the Magic Mouse has stopped working in certain Windows 11 windows... My config file settings were also already set to 1 for smooth scrolling and I put the settings for the mouse and keyboard to "don't optimize for games".... I am trying to run it with MS Money, which is frankly a key reason I run parallels, so would really appreciate a fix.

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