Win 11ARM license help needed

Discussion in 'Parallels Desktop on a Mac with Apple silicon' started by SimonV, Oct 12, 2023.

  1. SimonV

    SimonV Bit poster

    I apoligize if I'm in the wrong place but I'm I dint know where else to ask
    This is my problem: I had a Win10 license on Win11ARM into a Parallels 17 VM on M1 Mac.
    I moved to P19 and decided to build a fresh VM I previously deactivated my Win license.
    After having created a new VM with Win11Arm downloaded directly from the installer I'm now trying to activate the Win license but I'm getting sometimes the error message that the MS server are unreachable and sometimes that I need a new digital license.
    I'm wondering if it's a Parallels' network bug or if I need a new Win license. In the latter case: is there a specific Win1Arm license or a generic Win11 license.
    Tnx in advance for helping.
  2. JohnW70

    JohnW70 Member

    Some time ago, I found it impossible to reinstall Win 11 having previously upgraded from Win 10 and using the Win 10 license key (even though it was the same computer and the installation was registered with my Microsoft account). I ended up shopping around for a cheap Win 11 key (I tend to go with the second cheapest from Amazon) and it then validated smoothly. There may be better answers but, for me, this was a quick solution.
  3. SimonV

    SimonV Bit poster

  4. SimonV

    SimonV Bit poster

    Thanks for helping and sorry for mistakes in previous reply.
    I also believe your suggestion is the best solution for me.
  5. SimonV

    SimonV Bit poster

    It was a retail license and the server's error was an option. I bought a 3 station Win11 license and worked immediately.

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