Opencore Legacy Graphic Driver VS Parallels Desktop (Revert to Make it Work))

Discussion in 'Installation and Configuration of Parallels Desktop' started by TheoSudarja, Jan 9, 2023.

  1. TheoSudarja

    TheoSudarja Bit poster

    Parallels Desktop (PD) doesn't work when using Opencore Legacy (OCL). To be exact, if you have Graphics Patch installed, PD refuse to open. It keep Crashing and closes itself. I realized it after running PD just fine in the first minute after I finished update my old unsupported mac using OCL, and have PD just fine. But soon after I add driver to my Graphic Card (Start Root Patching Nvidia), PD refused to open.

    :cool: However "Revert Root Patches" bring back PD to open (with some quirks). Now I'm running PD without Graphic Card support, with restriction in screen resolution; is awkwardly 4:3. And overall slow without the proper Graphic Driver.

    Do you guys know how to run PD along with OCL Graphic Driver installed?

    Screen Shot 2023-01-09 at 13.17.40.png
  2. Mikhail Ushakov

    Mikhail Ushakov Parallels Team

    Best Answer
    You can try to apply the following workaround to disable Metal API:
    1. Make sure the virtual machine is not running.
    2. Open its configuration as per > Hardware > Boot Order > Advanced Settings.
    3. Paste the following system flag:


    4. Start your virtual machine again.
    SydB, rgranger, thanar and 1 other person like this.
  3. ParallelsU298

    ParallelsU298 Bit poster

    I had the same issue and disabling 3D acceleration got the Windows VM to boot.
    I did that by first locating the VM's config.pvs file in the finder.
    Then while parallel's was not running I edited:
  4. Mikhail Ushakov

    Mikhail Ushakov Parallels Team

    Best Answer
    You can try to apply the following workaround to disable Metal API:
    1. Make sure the virtual machine is not running.
    2. Open its configuration as per > Hardware > Boot Order > Advanced Settings.
    3. Paste the following system flag:


    4. Start your virtual machine again.
    SydB, rgranger, thanar and 1 other person like this.
  5. ParallelsU298

    ParallelsU298 Bit poster

    Thank you Mikhail for the suggestion. If that works it sounds like a better workaround than mine since unlike mine there would still be some level of 3D acceleration, perhaps the previous OpenGL based implementation and does not require tinkering with the VM config file.
  6. ThomasN18

    ThomasN18 Bit poster

    Thank You Mikhail. It works fine!
  7. CoupoS

    CoupoS Bit poster

    THANK YOU Mikhail.
    I've been looking for a solution since 2 days, on every forums and YouTube. You did it, such a genius thanks again
    AnthonyC7 and Adeboye Adeotan like this.
  8. ErnstN

    ErnstN Bit poster

    Thanks a million. This helped me a lot. My Win10 was still working, but browser windows would turn black. Now everything works smoothly! Best regards, Ernst
  9. ThomasM49

    ThomasM49 Bit poster

    That works!!! Thank You so much!!
  10. AnthonyC7

    AnthonyC7 Bit poster

    Ventura 13.3.1, after OCLP 0.6.4: I open the "Advanced" window after selecting Hardware in the menu bar then Boot Order in the sidebar of Windows Configuration. It's active for a split second then grays out. Anything I have missed that causes this? Thanks for any help at all.
  11. AnthonyC7

    AnthonyC7 Bit poster

    Oh, forgot: MacBook Pro 10,1 early 2013, so metal
  12. JerryT5

    JerryT5 Bit poster

    I am running Ventura 13.4.1 on a Mac Pro 5,1 using OCLP 0.6.7, and attempting to use PD to run macOS 10.10. PD refuses to load, and the suggestions above haven't helped. Has anyone successfully hosted a macOS VM using a similar configuration?

    In case it helps, here is what looks like the critical section of parallels.log:

    07-18 08:25:02.466 F /StateMachine:1333:4316/ VM state(VmStateNone): changed to VmStateInit
    07-18 08:25:02.467 F /vm:1333:4316/ SCSI controller: not specified (in config not specified)
    07-18 08:25:02.467 F /vm:1333:4316/ AppleHV does not support this Mac, defaulting to own engine
    07-18 08:25:02.467 F /ioctl:1333:4316/ Failure: Couldn't find any matches.
    07-18 08:25:02.467 F /vm:1333:4316/ Invalid kernel driver handle
    07-18 08:25:02.467 F /vm:1333:4316/ Can't init Monitor configuration
    07-18 08:25:02.468 F /MCDException:1333:4316/ (!) Error: Throwing exception id=2147484498 (PRL_ERR_REBOOT_HOST).

  13. ParallelsU298

    ParallelsU298 Bit poster

    It seems like the VM is set to use the Apple Hypervisor but not supported on your Hardware so it needs to use the Parallels Hypervisor. Make sure Parallels is properly installed and given all the permissions necessary to run it's Kernel Extensions which is required to use the parallels Hypervisor.
  14. JerryT5

    JerryT5 Bit poster

    Right... I should have mentioned that I did successfully do the kext-consent add of the Parallels developer ID in recovery mode. Other than that, I am just running the Parallels installation, leading to the failure. Is there anything else to check in the way of permissions?

  15. GiuseppeT2

    GiuseppeT2 Bit poster

    You are a genius! Thanks a LOT!!!
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 6, 2023
  16. JustinP17

    JustinP17 Bit poster

    I have an Imac 15.1. I am running parallels pro 19.2.1 with Windows 11. I used open core-patcher to install Sonoma 14.3. My windows screens are coming up blank in the VM. If I disable the video card on the VM side I am able to all screens correctly, but now defaults where I can not go into coherence anymore.
    -Is there a work around? or is it that the Open core patched the video to be able to upgrade to Sonoma now parallel patch wont recognize it?
  17. JustinP17

    JustinP17 Bit poster

    Completed the steps above. to disable metal API in the hardwar/bootorder/advanced . Now I am able to see all screens, keep my video enabled and enter coherence mode.
  18. thanar

    thanar Member

    I also had the same problem, albeit with an ancient iMac 11,1 running Monterey via OCLP, even the Parallels Installer would crash, no matter the version. Testing with no Root Patches right now, and it seems to be working.
  19. thanar

    thanar Member

    Hi @Mikhail Ushakov, I also have the same problem, trying to run Parallels on an iMac 11,1 running Monterey through OCLP. DL would crash upon launching when the Patches were enabled, same thing would happen with the Parallels Installer! I did manage to Install the app, I even managed to start the VM and all (added the video.metal=0 advanced setting), when running with the Patches disabled.

    However, when the OCLP Patches were re-enabled (to make the System usable), Parallels will still crash upon launch. Any ideas?
  20. thanar

    thanar Member

    is this a spam message?
  21. BlairA1

    BlairA1 Bit poster

    One year later, and I found this thread when searching for an answer...
    Trying to run Parallels Desktop 19 with Windows 11 on my Late 2014 iMac, Sonoma 14.4 with OCLP 1.4.2: When I open the "Advanced" window after selecting Hardware in the menu bar then Boot Order in the sidebar of Windows Configuration. I can't paste the flag you mentioned... the dialgue is only active for a split second then grays out. Anything I have missed that causes this? Thanks for any help at all.

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