Incredibly slow disk write/read times with `.macvm`

Discussion in 'Parallels Desktop on a Mac with Apple silicon' started by RichardD30, Jun 4, 2023.

  1. RichardD30

    RichardD30 Member

    We run macos arm `.macvm` bundles on a cluster of ec2 `mac2.metal` instances. We've noticed Parallels macvms have incredibly slow disk read/write on these hosts. This is causing items like automated xcode installations to take over 45 minutes.

    No matter what configuration we try, we get disk write about this speed:
    write=$(dd if=/dev/zero bs=2048k of=tstfile count=1024 2>&1 | grep sec | awk '{print $1 / 1024 / 1024 / $5, "MB/sec" }')
    echo $write
    32.686 MB/sec

    time sh -c "dd if=/dev/zero of=test.tmp bs=4k count=524288 && sync"

    524288+0 records in

    524288+0 records out

    2147483648 bytes transferred in 53.625618 secs (40045854 bytes/sec)

    We've tried items like creating an empty sparse disk image using this guide which results in same performance, moving where we store/run vms, etc. Nothing seems to help at all.
  2. RichardD30

    RichardD30 Member

    Looking through logs, it's using the wrong host disk. We utilize a fresh brand new secondary volume to run these vms (which they are stored in). How can we instruct desktop to use a specific disk/volume?
  3. RichardD30

    RichardD30 Member

    I was able to resolve this (for the secondary attached disk image).

    It looks like it's being mounted incorrectly. Once I erased/formatted it after starting the vm, we had 450mb/s.
  4. RichardD30

    RichardD30 Member

    This one is on me actually. I should have set `-format` to `UDRW` when creating the disk image.
  5. RichardD30

    RichardD30 Member

    Appears I spoke too soon again. There is some kind of weird potential fragmentation going on or something. After 1-2 writes, disk writes go back to ~30mb/s.
  6. Avinash Bundhoo

    Avinash Bundhoo Staff Member


    Thank you for your feedback.

    To troubleshoot further, please perform the following steps:

    1. Reproduce the issue.
    2. Collect a technical report (click Parallels icon || > Help > Send technical data > check "Attach screenshots..." > press Send Report) and provide its 9-digit ID here.
  7. RichardD30

    RichardD30 Member

    I now believe this is actually the virtual disk you all create for the `.macvm`.

    I receive very low write speeds for the `disk0.img` and my secondary volume. The only way it runs fast is if I make it `hfs`. Unfortunately, our users have requirements for `APFS` so I'm not sure how to diagnose this.

    Since both are considered internal disks for the vm, could this be some kind of cause?
  8. RichardD30

    RichardD30 Member

    @Avinash Bundhoo what should be expected write speed for m1 with an allocated 6gb mem and 2cpu? Has anyone else reported intermittent write spikes like this? Been trying to debug for this a month now. Not sure why HFS is seamless as a secondary virtual disk image but APFS is sporadic at best.
  9. RichardD30

    RichardD30 Member

    Here is a better view of the write jumps. It randomly goes up to ~300mb/s and then immediately back down to ~30mb/s. I've tried tweaking everything from spotlight indexing, various `apfs` container setups, purging cache, etc, nothing has provided any kind of consistency or been reproducible.

  10. RichardD30

    RichardD30 Member


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