Parallels 18 install stuck at "Initializing parallels desktop" on macOS Ventura

Discussion in 'Installation and Configuration of Parallels Desktop' started by VictorE, Nov 15, 2022.

  1. VictorE

    VictorE Member

    I have a MacMini 2018 running macOS BigSur and Parallels 17. Yesterday I updated to macOS Ventura, downloaded the evaluation version of Parallels 18 and tried to installed. It uninstalled my previous Parallels 17 but then got stuck on "Initializing parallels desktop". I tried rebooting the computer, removing any trace of the previous version but so far nothing has worked.

    Any ideas about how to get the installer complete it task ?

    Honestly I feel like each version of Parallels is less and less "it just work" than the previous.
  2. VictorE

    VictorE Member

    I performed a new test by doing this:

    1) Installed AppCleaner app and granted full disk access
    2) Installed a try version of Parallels in another MacMini (running Catalina)
    3) Copied Parallels App to my MacMini 2018 and dropped it on AppCleaner, to make sure I had no trace of any previous installation attempts.
    4) Downloaded the last Parallels installer from Parallel's site
    5) Started the install process and waited 15 min on the "Initializing Parallels Desktop" window
    6) Killed the install process
    7) Went to /Library/Logs/parallles.log to check what I could find there

    And this is the full content of parallels.log:

    11-17 18:32:45.450 F /inittool-wrap:34584:100d84/ INIT_STATE: STATE_UNINSTALL
    11-17 18:32:45.451 F /inittool-wrap:34584:100d84/ INIT_PROGRESS: 0
    11-17 18:32:45.480 F /inittool-wrap:34584:100d84/ INIT_PROGRESS: 15
    11-17 18:32:46.753 F /inittool-wrap:34584:100d84/ INIT_PROGRESS: 32
    11-17 18:32:46.756 F /inittool-wrap:34584:100d84/ INIT_PROGRESS: 47
  3. VictorE

    VictorE Member

    Well, I decided to start over and installed macOS Catalina; then installed Parallels 18 (that now worked without issue) and then upgraded to macOS everything is working as it should has been from the beginning. Between the bug in Parallels 16 with the virtualizer setting, the bug in Parallels 17 with attaching USB devices to the MV and the install issue in PArallels 18 & macOS Ventura, the Parallels's experience is faaaaar from Apple's "it just work", I have to say.
  4. esaruoho

    esaruoho Bit poster

    I'm having the same type of issue, I had Parallels VM 17 working nicely on macOS Ventura, then it asked me to update to VM 18, and now it is stuck in "Initializing Paralles Desktop..." on my macOS Ventura 13.4.
    Booted machine, Parallels was nowhere to be found, downloaded a new installer, started installing, still stuck here. I am not at a liberty to reinstall macOS Ventura due to hardened work security settings, and I urgently need to boot up W11 VM to continue working. This is really sad, especially since I paid for the annual subscription. :( Is there really nothing that can be done??
  5. esaruoho

    esaruoho Bit poster

    so, here it is in all it's glory. I decided to run
    [/Volumes/Install Parallels Desktop 1/Install Parallels]
    $ sudo ./Install\ Parallels\ Desktop 
    and here's what I got.

    2023-05-25 21:51:18.304 Install Parallels Desktop[48810:2364678] [PD] === Log initialized in normal mode
    2023-05-25 21:51:18.514 Install Parallels Desktop[48810:2364678] [PD] Web data loaded successfully from Size = 138459
    2023-05-25 21:51:26.957 Install Parallels Desktop[48810:2364678] [PD] Parameters [mode=trial]
    Checksumming Protective Master Boot Record (MBR : 0)...
    Protective Master Boot Record (MBR :: verified CRC32 $D9D1D471
    Checksumming GPT Header (Primary GPT Header : 1)...
     GPT Header (Primary GPT Header : 1): verified CRC32 $6524712A
    Checksumming GPT Partition Data (Primary GPT Table : 2)...
    GPT Partition Data (Primary GPT Tabl: verified CRC32 $A3105687
    Checksumming  (Apple_Free : 3)...
                        (Apple_Free : 3): verified CRC32 $00000000
    Checksumming disk image (Apple_HFS : 4)...
              disk image (Apple_HFS : 4): verified CRC32 $50F65473
    Checksumming  (Apple_Free : 5)...
                        (Apple_Free : 5): verified CRC32 $00000000
    Checksumming GPT Partition Data (Backup GPT Table : 6)...
    GPT Partition Data (Backup GPT Table: verified CRC32 $A3105687
    Checksumming GPT Header (Backup GPT Header : 7)...
      GPT Header (Backup GPT Header : 7): verified CRC32 $E762E3E3
    verified CRC32 $F360D797
    hdiutil: verify: checksum of "/var/folders/zz/zyxvpxvq6csfxvn_n0000000000000/T/ParallelsWebInstaller/Downloads/F50B7EED-1A15-4B5D-876F-5C03AD241FD7/Image.dmg" is VALID
    2023-05-25 21:52:20.297 Install[49930:2368249] Parallels Desktop arguments 'Arguments:  --install --skip-update-check --dont-show-eula --set-cep 1'.
    objc[49932]: Class CoreBluetoothManagerDelegate is implemented in both /private/var/root/Library/Caches/com.parallels.webinstaller/MountPoints/8EF26773-6AFC-4E9E-8C48-1BDDBA462B50/Parallels (0x105432168) and /private/var/root/Library/Caches/com.parallels.webinstaller/MountPoints/8EF26773-6AFC-4E9E-8C48-1BDDBA462B50/Parallels (0x104f093c0). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
    objc[49932]: Class OpenPanel is implemented in both /private/var/root/Library/Caches/com.parallels.webinstaller/MountPoints/8EF26773-6AFC-4E9E-8C48-1BDDBA462B50/Parallels (0x1054321b8) and /private/var/root/Library/Caches/com.parallels.webinstaller/MountPoints/8EF26773-6AFC-4E9E-8C48-1BDDBA462B50/Parallels (0x1035f2c18). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
    objc[49932]: Class CoreBluetoothManagerDelegate is implemented in both /private/var/root/Library/Caches/com.parallels.webinstaller/MountPoints/8EF26773-6AFC-4E9E-8C48-1BDDBA462B50/Parallels (0x105432168) and /private/var/root/Library/Caches/com.parallels.webinstaller/MountPoints/8EF26773-6AFC-4E9E-8C48-1BDDBA462B50/Parallels (0x1035f2c68). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
    2023-05-25 21:52:27.759 Install[49930:2368249] Parallels Desktop did finish launching
    May 25 21:52:37  pdfm-bootstrap[50292] <Info>: inittool[50277]: Disk space check: source size: 623144 Kb (934716 Kb will require)
    May 25 21:52:37  pdfm-bootstrap[50298] <Info>: inittool[50277]: Disk space check: 362341368 Kb is available
    May 25 21:52:37  pdfm-bootstrap[50300] <Info>: inittool[50277]: Starting Parallels Desktop installation
    May 25 21:52:37  pdfm-bootstrap[50306] <Info>: inittool[50277]: Bundle '/var/root/Library/Caches/com.parallels.webinstaller/MountPoints/8EF26773-6AFC-4E9E-8C48-1BDDBA462B50/Parallels', version '18.3.0-53606'
    May 25 21:52:37  pdfm-bootstrap[50307] <Info>: inittool[50277]: Check for previous version and uninstall if need
    May 25 21:52:37  pdfm-bootstrap[50308] <Info>: inittool[50277]: Stopping Parallels Services from previous installation...
    May 25 21:52:37  pdfm-bootstrap[50311] <Info>: inittool[50277]: Running '/Applications/Parallels Service' in stop mode...
    /bin/bash: line 933: /Applications/Parallels Service: No such file or directory
    May 25 21:52:37  pdfm-bootstrap[50314] <Info>: inittool[50277]: Stopping MacVM instances...
    Executing: /usr/bin/kmutil showloaded --bundle-identifier com.parallels.kext.netbridge
    No variant specified, falling back to release
    Executing: /usr/bin/kmutil showloaded --bundle-identifier com.parallels.kext.usbconnect
    No variant specified, falling back to release
    Executing: /usr/bin/kmutil showloaded --bundle-identifier com.parallels.kext.vnic
    No variant specified, falling back to release
    Executing: /usr/bin/kmutil showloaded --bundle-identifier com.parallels.kext.hidhook
    No variant specified, falling back to release
    Executing: /usr/bin/kmutil showloaded --bundle-identifier com.parallels.kext.hypervisor
    No variant specified, falling back to release
    May 25 21:52:38  pdfm-bootstrap[50340] <Info>: inittool[50277]: Running uninstaller
    May 25 21:52:38  pdfm-bootstrap[50341] <Info>: inittool[50277]: Searching for bundles com.parallels.desktop.console and com.parallels.desktop.appstore
    May 25 21:52:38  pdfm-bootstrap[50350] <Info>: inittool[50277]: Found users in the system:
    May 25 21:52:38  pdfm-bootstrap[50351] <Info>: inittool[50277]:  * esaruoho /Users/esaruoho
    df: getattrlist failed: Permission denied
    df: getattrlist failed: Permission denied
    df: getattrlist failed: Permission denied
    df: getattrlist failed: Permission denied
    df: getattrlist failed: Permission denied
    df: getattrlist failed: Permission denied
    2023-05-25 21:53:00.297 Install[49930:2368249] Closing progress by timeout
    So after getting the df: getattrlist failed: Permission denied 6 times, the installer "closes progress by timeout", but the Parallels installer is not clever enough to survive through this.

    Their Twitter account @parallelscares also does not care. they haven't replied for 6 days.
  6. esaruoho

    esaruoho Bit poster

    ok, so. good news.
    after fooling around with df getattrlist for a while, in a moment of sheer frustration ran this:
    brew install parallels --cask
    thinking there'd be no way that Parallels is available on Homebrew as a cask.
    it was.
    it works. I'm running my W11 VM on Parallels 18 on macOS Ventura 13.4
    Parallels y'all fix your installers!
  7. Maxim Rasulov

    Maxim Rasulov Staff Member

    We apologize for the delay in response and are glad that your issue was resolved.

    We would like to analyze the conditions that may have led to this occurrence, and have created a support ticket to investigate this issue. Please check your e-mail.

    Have a nice weekend!
  8. esaruoho

    esaruoho Bit poster

    i've sent the technical report 426649580 but tbh this will not change the fact that the installer itself does not reliably work.
  9. JeffW23


    Thank you esaruoho!!!!!
    This saved me!
    brew install parallels --cask

    After contacting support in chat (which itself sat spinning indefinitely much like the "Initializing Parallels Desktop), and calling Customer Support (for which I'm still waiting for a callback), your post saved me.


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