Repetitive "macOS Detected" notification

Discussion in 'General Questions' started by mcgroarty, Dec 2, 2018.

  1. WalterS13

    WalterS13 Bit poster

    I am having this same problem - has this been fixed ? (Parallels 17.1.0 (51516))
  2. MikeG11

    MikeG11 Member

    It's astonishing that after more than four years, Parallels has still failed to resolve this issue. I'm running Parallels 18 on Ventura and the infamous "macOS detected Click to install macOS." issue is still happening. All support has done is repeatedly ask customers to take screenshots and submit tech reports when it appears that a customer (@Grega3) already figured out the cause on their own back in 2020: Parallels is constantly monitoring disk access and creating this annoying pop-up every single time any app or utility such as xCode (or a virus scanner as reported by others) detects one or more disk image files on your drive(s).

    Parallels support evidently believed the issue was fixed back when Parallels 16 was released because they asked people to check if it's still happening. Now we're on Parallels Desktop 18 and it's STILL happening!

    Please just get rid of this useless, annoying notification altogether or provide a way to disable it. I can't imagine anyone ever wants Parallels repeatedly pushing them to create a VM. Anyone who purchases PD already knows if and when they need to create a VM.

    • Parallels Desktop ver. 18.3.0 (53606)
    • macOS 13.3.1 (a) (22E772610a)
  3. BenjaminT7



    I am losing all faith in parallels.

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