Problem with performance and resolution on external monitor after update

Discussion in 'Installation and Configuration of Parallels Desktop' started by jedrzej30, Mar 16, 2023.

  1. jedrzej30

    jedrzej30 Bit poster

    Hi there,
    something like a month ago i've bought M1 Pro Mac 14'. Since this time I have parallels desktop and after last update i've got 2 problems:
    1. On running windows, while i'm changing resolution from window to full screen parallels won't recognize my screen size (34' 3440x1440) and every time, when I want to work in window or fullscreen I have to change resolution manually. Everything was running smoothly before update.
    2. Performance after update is poor, even on Google chrome - its laggy as.. as you know what.
    I did not change any settings at after/before update.
  2. Nazeemabanu@P

    Nazeemabanu@P Moderator

    Hello, firstly disconnect the external monitor > reinstall the Parallels Tools by referring this link - reinstall Parallels Tools and then follow these links - external monitor and retina display to fix the issue and check. thanks.

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