Hello guys , I need your support . Do you have any idea why if I change language from Italian to English on windows 11 I get only partially change language ? For example changes interface in English but not menu of setting that still in Italian
Hello, Thank you for reaching out to us. It could be because the mentioned menu falls under the different setting of "system locale" or an issue with Windows mechanics of changing Display Language. To try to resolve your issue, please perform the following steps: 1. Start your virtual machine. Press "Start" -> "Settings" -> "Time & Language". 2. Click on the "Language & Region" -> scroll down to "Administrative Language Settings". 3. In the opened window check if its English(United States), if not -> click on "Change system locale". Note: It should correspond to the set "Display Language". 4. Select your Display Language from the list and click "Ok". 5. System will require a reboot. Alternatively, if you already have the system locale set the same as the display language, or if the issue persists, please try to remove all other language packs: 1. Start your virtual machine. Press "Start" -> "Settings" -> "Time & Language". 2. Click on the "Language & Region" -> in the "Language" section, remove all language packs except your "Windows Display Language". Note: You do not have to install a "Display Language" to add a respective language keyboard layout. 3. Reboot and check if the issue persists. For additional information of managing Windows Language, please check the following link: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us...7-0ccb-5013e0c7c7a2#WindowsVersion=Windows_11 Have a nice week!