Weird Shift key problem

Discussion in 'Windows Virtual Machine' started by Don Awalt, Aug 5, 2022.

  1. Don Awalt

    Don Awalt Hunter

    I run Windows 11 beta channel on two different Mac laptops (Parallels VM), one Intel and one M1 (Apple). But I have seen similar problems reported on Windows install that are not in a Mac VM, nor are they beta Windows. They have not been able to isolate it, I have - at least one instance.

    In Windows 11, if I hold the shift key down and type the letter A, and then any other letter while still holding the shift key down, the letter following the A is lower case! It happens in all apps. I have searched everywhere for something being done with Shift-A, but found nothing.
    In summary:
    CAPS LOCK press A, press B -- I get AB
    Hold Shift, Press A, Press B, let up Shift - I get Ab
    Hold Shift, Press A, let up shift, Hold Shift, Press B, let up Shift - I get AB

    This does NOT happen on the Mac side.

    Any ideas? What happens if you type say, Shift-AB (or hold Shift down and type A and any other letter) - does the second letter appear as upper or lower case?
  2. GampaA@P

    GampaA@P Pro

    Hello Don, please refer to the knowledge base article to fix the keyboard layout. Tanks.

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