Windows 10 TaskBar problems

Discussion in 'Windows Virtual Machine' started by PeterA23, Jul 21, 2022.

  1. PeterA23

    PeterA23 Member

    I am running Windows 10 in a Parallels Version 17.1.4 (51567) VM in COHERENCE mode in macOS Monterey 12.0.1 (21A559) on a MacBook Pro (Intel 16-inch, 2019), with TWO external monitors.
    Sometimes RANDOMLY (every 3 - 4 days), the Windows TaskBar on one of the external monitors after the start of the VM is missing or invisible!
    Is this a bug?
  2. PeterA23

    PeterA23 Member

    This is very annoying, as I have to restart Windows and hope that on the next start the missing TaskBar is available! Just now I had to restart the VM 3 times to make the TaskBar reappear!
  3. PeterA23

    PeterA23 Member

    The TaskBar on the Primary Monitor initially does appear but disappears at a later stage, after the autostart programs have been loaded!
  4. Nazeemabanu@P

    Nazeemabanu@P Moderator

    PhilipP11 likes this.
  5. PeterA23

    PeterA23 Member

    Thank you for your posting. Unfortunately, neither of the linked articles applies to my situation. When the described behavior of randomly missing a TaskBar on any of my external monitors happens, the setting to show the TaskBar from the first article is already activated. Remember that this happens only sporadically every several days. Also, the second article does not apply because I have my Mac dock set on the LEFT side of the primary monitor, while the Windows taskbar is set to stay at the bottom. However, when it happens the next time, I will try the trick of putting the Windows Taskbar temporarily on a new edge to see if I can make it visible there.
  6. PeterA23

    PeterA23 Member

    UPDATE 2022-07-25: Just now I have restarted the Windows VM and the TaskBar on the SECONDARY monitor was missing. So I set the "Small taskbar buttons" setting ON and then immediately switched it OFF again:
    That caused the TaskBar on the SECONDARY monitor to immediately REAPPEAR!!
  7. PeterA23

    PeterA23 Member

    Switching this setting ON and OFF obviously caused a reinitialization of the Windows Taskbar, which made it appear again.
  8. PhilipP11

    PhilipP11 Bit poster

    I don't know what I would do without your help!

    specialist at productibity monitoring

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