anybody experiencing missing onedrive.exe in taskmanager/tray, possibly since latest update?

Discussion in 'Windows Virtual Machine' started by MatthiasE5, Jul 12, 2022.

  1. MatthiasE5

    MatthiasE5 Hunter


    is anybody experiencing missing onedrive.exe both in taskmanager and tray, possibly since latest update?

    thank you.

    starting onedrive via start menu does not work either.

    i did notice after the update that windows defender wanted me to accept or decline onedrive integration with defender - but neither accepting nor declining really seemt to work.

    win11pro/release channel/m1
  2. Asish

    Asish Staff Member

    Hello @MatthiasE5, Could you please share a screenshot of the page where it is asking you to accept or decline one drive integration with a defender?
  3. MatthiasE5

    MatthiasE5 Hunter

    No, I cannot, because after a restart, this notification no longer appears.
    As far as I remember, it was like this:
    I think after the update installation, the "security dashboard" showed up, or at the very least the defender icon (shield) in the tray area had an exclamation mark or similar.
    The dashboard constists of several tiles. As far as I remember, it was the top left tile that was asking me to accept some kind of onedrive integration with defender, presumably so that randomware would not be able to get my files because older version would still be available in onedrive.
    Like I said, accepting or declining did not do anything, but after a restart that choice disappeared.
    When I go to Ransomware protection ("surveilled folder access" (translated from German) I have DISabled) there IS the option to configure ONeDrive. When I clikc the blue text, I briefly see the "hourglass" (a blue circle) pointer, but nothing happens.
    my windows is 10.0.22000.
    The update that might have caused that might have bewn KB5015814. // 22000.795.
    When i go to settings -> account -> configure/manage onedrive , that also has no effect.

    I have posted the problem to the MS feedback hub, but I don't quire trust MS with actually responding to that.
  4. MatthiasE5

    MatthiasE5 Hunter

  5. MatthiasE5

    MatthiasE5 Hunter

    (please read full text before doing anything, in particular the 32bit vs ARM64 info. sorry for the bad formatting, but better some info with bad readability, than none. thank you.)
    In apps and features, "microsoft onedrive" was listed as 22.136.0626.001 09.07.2022 (july 9th). I uninstalled this (with the intenstion to reinstall).
    I don't even know why it showed up there, I thought it was an integrated part of Windows 11.
    Anyway, after uninstalling, I went to C:\Windows\SysWOW64 where there was OneDriveSetup.exe from JUNE.
    I also did a search on C for onedrivesetup.exe, and found the JULY versions in the C:\Users\matthiasernst\AppData\Local\Microsoft\OneDrive\22.141.0703.0002
    and C:\Users\matthiasernst\AppData\Local\Microsoft\OneDrive\ folders.
    I installed the JUNE version (fron tme wow64 folder) which showed up as 21.050. ... in the programs list, but it seems that it then auto-updated shortly after to 22.141.0703.0002 - this number was shown by the RUNNING AND FUNCTIONING onedrive.exe (cloud icon visible).
    I restarted the computer and the onedrive icon was missing again (before restarting, it was a gray cloud wanting me to sign in).
    I went to settings and clicked configure/install (german: einrichten) Onedrive, from the defender settings. Now clikcing that blue text DID work and again it wanted me to sign in.
    I signed in, then it complained that the onedrive folder already existed. I confirmed that i wanted to use that folder.
    then i got a notifaction that i could change onedrive starting behaviour at settings apps start (autostart). (it is set to autostart).
    onedrive.exe in taskmanager continues to be 22.141.0703.0002.
    I still don't understand why I can even install this (because I thought it was integrated into the OS), but it seems to work again now.
    Be careful: It seems there are 32bit and ARM versions of onedrivesetup - always check before installing (right click). If you want to check if your installed onedrive.exe is ARM, got to taskmanager, details, and look for the architecture column.
    MORE INFO: when you go to onedrive settings (from the tray icon), in the tab "info" there is a checkbox where you can agree to receive the onedrive ARM version as an insider preview because apparently onedrive for ARM is not yet a final. This might explain the problems.
  6. MatthiasE5

    MatthiasE5 Hunter

  7. MatthiasE5

    MatthiasE5 Hunter

    ### WARNING. For some reason, the second time I rebooted after this, the VM would not shut down properly. I don't know why. There was a black screen that would not go away and I could not get it to shut down fully. I eventually "stopped" the VM via the menu. Upon trying to start it again, it would not start anymore. There was some message about something like that it could not find the HDD or that the VM's HDD was not properly configured or sth. I ended up at the DOS-like screen where I'm supposed to install a VM. The Snapshots were visible in the snapshot explorer, but trying to go to any snapshot did not work either.
    I have been experiencing this issues always in the context of the VM /Windows not shutting down properly. If it's related to an USB stick being connected upon shut down I don't know, but that did not cause any issuess in the last 100 shutdowns.
    In any case I spent many hours getting my data from various backups.
    I don't know what's wrong with Parallels, but Windows without a VM is better able to deal with issues when shutting down.
    I still have a copy of the PVM that won't start anymore. In case anyone is interested.
  8. MatthiasE5

    MatthiasE5 Hunter

    I was able to get the pvm to work with this trick: I copied the PVM (to external drive), then created a new vm with that file. I did a very quick (seconds) check on hhd heath when I starte d it, but it did boot. I think this is some gile system problem, but given that Windows will start with this trick, it would be good if it were mentioned instead of shocking the user with a non-bootable VM.
  9. MatthiasE5

    MatthiasE5 Hunter

    By the way prior to being able to restore it like that, I used a backup of the pvm that consisted of a pvm saved by CCC as a afps snapshot on the internal SSD (manually triggered by me) whilst the VM was hibernated (via start menu). There were no issues using this pvm file even though parallels advises to shut down the VM when backuping. So even though one should heed Paralells's advice, it also won't hurt to keep additional snapshots of hibernated VMs as they might well work, and might have a more recent state if you often hibernate and not so often shut down. But like I said, Parallels want you to shut down to be on the safest side. -- note though that my problem OCCURED when shutting down.

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