Change Application to Open .msg files

Discussion in 'Installation and Configuration of Parallels Desktop' started by DavidJ51, Jun 7, 2022.

  1. DavidJ51

    DavidJ51 Bit poster

    I have Parallels on my Mac, but the application is not opening. I'm trying to open a .msg file downloaded onto my Mac. Every time it try to open it, it opens in Parallels, not my Mac version of Outlook. I've gone to file, get info, and changed the "open with" option. But then it opens as an attachment to an email in Mac Outlook, but the attachment has the two red "Parallels" lines and opens in windows -- even though Parallels and windows are not running?

    How can I open this in my Mac version of Outlook? Do I need to uninstall Parallels?
  2. Asish

    Asish Staff Member

    Hello @DavidJ51, Please re-check the default program on your mac and check if it is set to Outlook(mac) > then check open with "Outlook(Mac)" > clicked on "Change All...". If the issue still persists kindly revert us back.

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