I was gradually losing free hard drive space, found that System Restore had built up around 5GB of RP files... I have deleted them, but how do I turn off System Restore when there is no System Restore tab in the System Control Panel? How to make sure it stays off? (And is there meant to be a System Restore tab there in a Parallels install?)
I'd like to find out if my install is broken or if Parallels installs are meant to be like this... I did try going into the System Tools > System Restore, where it says "System Restore has been turned off by group policy" (I t says to contact my administrator if I want to turn it on). So... - System Restore tab is missing - System Restore says it is off - In spite of being 'off', System Restore is creating big RP files Before we start tweaking things, what is the cause? Could this be a Parallels bug, or is it something unique to my install?
If you've ever ran Parallels Compressor and did not use Manual setting then by default it disables System Restore to save space. If you do it manually then you change the settings to Medium which does not disable System Restore. If you did it already doing Medium wll NOT turn it back on. You'll have to weed through your Group Policy Editor to get it back to normal. I have not spent the time to do since I System Restore is working for me with the registry tweak. Are you by chance on a Domain?
I'm not on a domain... I'm not sure what I've done before.... I tried the registry edit.. 'System Restore' tab is back... Have set System Restore to ON for now, but set to minimum size (200MB) first of all, to see what happens...