Mouse cursor rubberbanding

Discussion in 'Linux Virtual Machine' started by HenrikH5, May 1, 2022.

  1. HenrikH5

    HenrikH5 Bit poster

    I have a really annoying problem with my Linux VM (Ubuntu 20.04.3 LTS). I am using a Logitech G403 mouse for my company computer running parallel (17.1.1) for Linux and Windows. Everything worked fine until I earlier this year got the notorious parallel tools problem where Linux get stuck on startup and only displays a blinking underscore. After fixing this by reinstalling parallel tools my mouse cursor have started "rubberbanding" back to the starting position for every mouse sweep, if I don't go really slow or fast, and it is driving me insane. I use the same mouse at home and it has the same problem, while I tried another mouse and it worked fine.

    I tried a lot of things that I found on the forum before but nothing has worked so far. Is there anyone that are familiar with this problem and know of a fix?
  2. Asish

    Asish Staff Member

  3. HenrikH5

    HenrikH5 Bit poster

    Well, I don't use any logitech software.
  4. HenrikH5

    HenrikH5 Bit poster

    I tried installing Logitech G Hub but that also doesn't do anything. Might add that I use a normal corded mouse.

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