Changing Finder's defaults of how to open files

Discussion in 'Windows Virtual Machine' started by PerryS5, Apr 28, 2022.

  1. PerryS5

    PerryS5 Junior Member

    I keep finding files such as MP4, CR3, etc that has the Parallel's icon which implies to me that if I double click the file, it is given to Parallels to process. While this is neat... I 100% do not want it. My Windows machine doesn't need to be started except to do taxes once a year.

    Is there a way to tell Parallels to remove itself from the list of apps that is able to open most of these files? Obviously it needs to open the VM files if I double click them but I'd be willing to give that up as well and just open Parallels and then tell it which VM to start.
  2. GampaA@P

    GampaA@P Pro

    Hello Perry55, Please refer to the knowledge base article to fix the windows update. Thanks.
  3. PerryS5

    PerryS5 Junior Member

    Which Knowledge base article?
  4. Mr. C.

    Mr. C. Member

    Click the the "a" in the word article above. The entire word didn't get connected with the link, only the "a" did.

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