Problems with parallels 3.0 build 5160

Discussion in 'Installation and Configuration of Parallels Desktop' started by Rick Singbeil, Nov 6, 2007.

  1. Rick Singbeil

    Rick Singbeil Bit poster

    Hi all,

    I am new to iMAC and have a 24" 2.8Ghz machine with 2GB ram and 500GB HD. Iinstalled leopard and then installed boot camp from Leopard. All seems well and I have a password access to start WinXP. When I switched back to Leopard I installed Parallels 3.0 build 5160 and it said it would use Boot Camp Windows. It took a while to install, but did finish with no problems and seemed well. I then put the iMAC to sleep and the next day when I woke the iMAC I run Parallels. When it starts it first asks for a password and I have to give it my iMAC password. Then it starts to load with a message "Warning Parallels Tools initialization in progress. Do not preform any operations with ther virtual machine or the guest operating system until Parallels Tools initialization is complete. Doing so may result in data loss." There is a Parallels logo to the left in the notice box with a closed lock over the logo. How do I correct this? After I have WinXP running and then shutdown WinXP I don't have to use my iMAC password to open parallels until I put the iMAC to sleep again. I also get the message "(C) My Boot Camp.... Timed out warning for the file system to initialize. The volume has been ejected. You can use the int_timeout mount option to wait longer." What does this mean and what needs changing?

    Waiting for your help,
  2. Windmon

    Windmon Bit poster

    Having the exact same problem on a MacBook Pro...

    Also have been getting messages to re-activate Windows XP due to an extensive change to the computer hardware (not the exact wording, but that's the gist of it). I've reactivated Windows from both the Parallels and Boot Camp side at least 3 times each over the past week. And then had the missing "ntoskrnl.exe" message and had to do a repair.
    The only thing I've come across is a notice that there is an "Open" beta version that solves most issues with Parallels in Leopard, see
  3. Kickpoint

    Kickpoint Bit poster

    I too am experiencing the same exact behavior. Waiting for Parallel Tools to initialization each time is not too incoonvenient, however having to reactivate Windows each time, and Adobe CS2 and Microsoft Office 2003 is too much. Does the beta fix this? Is there another work around?
  4. SINC

    SINC Bit poster

    I am running build 5160 on a brand new MacBook Pro 2.2 Ghz with XP Pro.

    I do not use Bootcamp, just Parallels.

    While it installs and runs fine for a couple of days, it then on launch will ask me to install XP Pro again which of course takes a very long time.

    Anyone know why Parallels appears to "lose" XP Pro so frequently?

    It's not worth the money I paid for the program to have to spend half an hour every few days to reinstall Windows.
  5. adam1

    adam1 Bit poster

    I'd like to know how you people even installed it....

    Hey all,

    I've just gotten an iMac and cleaned the install to Leopard and installing Parallels and it's not even getting past Parallels Desktop Installer script. I'm using Build 5160 Ver 3.0 for Leopard.
  6. johnedithp

    johnedithp Bit poster

    I have the same problem. I have also the same MAC with 750Gb HD.
    The other problem I noticed is when I had connected a windows USB drive Parallels simply does not start while it found two window drives. The USB drive only contains data. Further I had a complete freeze of an application which I only could terminate by forcing a stop. This result in some other problems as well
  7. Rick Singbeil

    Rick Singbeil Bit poster

    Startup problem fixed.

    I found this got my startup problem fixed.

    (For advanced users only). The current version of Parallels Desktop for Mac now
    experimentally supports so-called Parallels custom configurations. A custom configuration
    allows using several hard disk partitions (grouped as "Custom Boot Camp disks") and can be
    created manually by editing any virtual machine's configuration file. For more information
    please refer to Parallels Knowledge Base:

    Now all I need is how to access my external drive without having to shut it off and turn it on again..
  8. DominikHoffmann

    DominikHoffmann Junior Member

    When I launch my Boot Camp based Parallels session I am also asked for my admin user ID and password. When I click on the little triangle at the bottom of that dialog it reveals information indicating that Parallels needs to unmount the Boot Camp partition. This makes sense. I just wish, I didn't have to enter the password every time.

    Dominik Hoffmann
  9. Chilbear

    Chilbear Junior Member

    5160+Tiger+numlock and caps on

    I reverted back to Tiger (10.4.10) and reinstalled everything. I have a new Aluminum iMac 24" and experience odd things with the new Apple wired keyboard. Apple Support suggested I stop at 10.4.10 after erasing and reinstalling.

    While in XP I need the caps lock ON to get lower case letters and cannot use the number pad to the RHS because there is no numlock on the keyboard.

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