Apple M1 Since update of Parallels Desktop 17.1 USB gamepad recognized but not working in Windows 11

Discussion in 'Parallels Desktop on a Mac with Apple silicon' started by GeoffreyC2, Oct 16, 2021.

  1. ArikS2

    ArikS2 Bit poster

    I found a way to use the XBox wireless Controller under Parallels 17.1 with windows 11 arm. It's Not the best way and i'm hoping that parallels fixes the bug, but ist works very good.
    In the link below there is a guide in youtube, i made every setting like it is told in the video, but i installed „steam link" directly on my MacBook Pro M1 and i habe no Problems with my fan. If i press the „start playing"-Button the Screen becomes black and i habe to use „command+Option+escape" to Switch in the virtual maschine, but then ist works Perfect.
    Here is the link:
  2. henrymonk

    henrymonk Member

    It seems parallel 17 team are refusing to fix such simple issue

    Downgrading to win 10 arm works ???
  3. henrymonk

    henrymonk Member

    its been 4 months
  4. henrymonk

    henrymonk Member

    It seems parallel 17 team are refusing to fix such simple issue
    Downgrading to win 10 arm works ???
    can someone fucking answer me ? Jesus Christ I am so sick of fighting Microsoft I might just give in and buy a windows pc
  5. YuryK2

    YuryK2 Bit poster

    So had anyone got any info if this issue can and will be solved? I'm using a cable with my xbox controller currently, works more or less fine, but it is quite a strange way to spend money - getting a 2K USD laptop, 100 USD gamepad and 100 USD virtualisation software and to use a cable to connect gamepad to a laptop.
    Hey, Parallels team, could you please provide an answer if Parallels 17 will support BT for XBOX Series gamepads?
  6. henrymonk

    henrymonk Member

    37 after 1x years I have stood my ground I think I have finally had enough of this fucking shit

    whoever in charge of apple's engineering / gaming division should be executed

    I'm now subscribed to a boosteroid for game streaming service since many of the new games with that anti cheat thing won't run on paraelle17

    apple's fucking reluctant attitude toward gaming is just appalling , I'm so glad to see that all these streaming service decided to just go around their AppStore and runs their streaming service on web browser instead , lol it's like a big fuck you to them

    While apple is pushing their Apple Arcade like a fucking retarded , I like the overall concept of it but they could have at least put in some real games into it not just bunch of remastered cellphone games

    real games like Wreckfest / GTA 4-5
    some Apple Arcade release platform aren't even consistent, like many of them only available on iOS , for example : crash land
    While that game is available for windows on steam , that's fucking retarded
  7. henrymonk

    henrymonk Member

    someone recommended this USB Bluetooth adaptor , I guess There's a reason it's #8 mac accessory
  8. Chun-ChiS

    Chun-ChiS Bit poster

    Here's a workaround that works for me, you guys should try it:

  9. YuryK2

    YuryK2 Bit poster

    Steamlink is not a workaround for non-steam games. And honestly speaking cable is easier then using iphone or ipad as a proxy for a gamepad.
  10. YuryK2

    YuryK2 Bit poster

    Henrymonk, I'll try wil external BT adapter, thanks.
  11. Chun-ChiS

    Chun-ChiS Bit poster

    Works perfectly on mac, you don't need an iPhone or iPad. The steam link app is available on the Mac AppStore.
  12. henrymonk

    henrymonk Member

    You are welcome
    Recently I just subscribed to boosteroid for game streaming service ( for lost ark )
    as I still don't want to buy a windows pc
    Their data server are in Europe area
    So If you lived in Europe region I think you will like it
    I'm using Vivaldi browser and it can detect & support vibration with Xbox one + elite 2 controller Bluetooth , omg ( you can just use google chrome if I don't hate them )
    Safari would occasionally stuttered and whole screen would freeze I have to exit full screen resume full screen to have the motion enabled again

    It depends on what game you are playing
    I think it's still worth it for subscribing to both GeForce now + boosteroid
    consider buying a standard GPU 3080 RTX cost you $1000 usd
  13. henrymonk

    henrymonk Member

    oh my fucking god I have wasted so much time dealing with this shit
    and the fucking developer aint fixing the issue for 6 months
    now I can't even download 17.0 older version from their download page
  14. WilliamL24

    WilliamL24 Bit poster

    I have a ham radio bluetooth device that connects on the Mac side but won't stay connected in windows. When I attempt to look or change the Com ports it disconnects and only shows paired. In general though it drops the bluetooth connection. Is this the same problem your seeing here? I skimmed over this thread quickly.
  15. henrymonk

    henrymonk Member

    not really ,
  16. MattG17

    MattG17 Bit poster

    Hi, I'm a new Parallels user. Just got it today. I just want to play steam games on my mac with a controller.

    Mac Model: new M1 MacBook Pro.
    Mac version: 12.3.1 (Monterey)
    Parallels version: 17.1.2 (51548)
    Windows version: Windows 11 Home (the one that Parallels installs by default)

    I have a PS4 controller and an Xbox Core Wireless Controller. Both controllers work perfectly over windows with my other computer which is a regular PC. Both controllers can connect just fine to my mac over bluetooth. When I open Steam Big Picture on my mac, both the xbox and the playstation controller can control the Steam Big Picture interface and are fully recognized by Steam without any additional steps.

    Now for parallels. I followed the official instructions and went into Parallels settings and checked the box to share bluetooth devices. Then I was able go into bluetooth settings on windows and connect to the playstation controller and xbox controller.

    Xbox results: bluetooth on windows cannot find the device.

    Playstation results: bluetooth on windows CAN find they device, and correctly calls it "Dualshock 4 Wireless Controller". It successfully connects and says "Paired". But Steam does not recognize it, nor do any games.
  17. henrymonk

    henrymonk Member

    luetooth on windows CAN find they device, and correctly calls it "Dualshock 4 Wireless Controller". It successfully connects and says "Paired". But Steam does not recognize it, nor do any games.
    we have been talking about this for 6 months and the developer had been radio silence ever since 2021 October
  18. AndyF2

    AndyF2 Bit poster

    Can someone from Parallels please confirm that this problem exists and indicate if a fix is in the works? Frustrating to have bought a high-powered M1 knowing that I'd need to run Windows to play games but not being able to because of a bug in Parallels that prevents my Nimbus bluetooth game controller from being recognized inside Windows 11.
    SivanneS likes this.
  19. AndyF2

    AndyF2 Bit poster

    I'm happy to report that Parallels 18.0 fixes the game controller issue for me. My Nimbus controller now works on BlueTooth on Parallels 18.0. While I wish someone from Parallels would have acknowledged the problem was being worked, I'm happy it seems to be resolved in Parallels 18.0.

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