Transporter error

Discussion in 'Installation and Configuration of Parallels Desktop' started by Todivefor, Nov 27, 2007.

  1. Todivefor

    Todivefor Member

    I am trialling Parallels. I am running windows/XP SP2 in a boot camp partition. I want to run Transporter on this system to create a Parallels VM. When I run Transporter, I get the attached error. Any ideas?

    Attached Files:

  2. Todivefor

    Todivefor Member

    Any help here?
  3. Todivefor

    Todivefor Member

    Never mind. I saw in Knowledge base that Transporter does not support the Bootcamp partition. I have been trialing both Parallels and Fusion. As far as GUI goes, Parallels has it all over Fusion. I'll probably go with Fusion due to support. I get answers there. This problem would have been simple to answer, but got nothing in 2 days. Good luck. Hope you put pressure on Fusion to get better.

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