macOS12.3 Monterey VM Issues - Likely bug in Parallels 17.1.1

Discussion in 'macOS Virtual Machine' started by Neilwhit, Mar 16, 2022.

  1. Neilwhit

    Neilwhit Member

    During beta testing of macOS 12.3 (as a guest VM), the last 3 betas, including the final release, had a serious flaw/bug for use within Parallels. Using any of these last few betas and the final as a VM on a 12.2 host, scrolling within Safari and Firefox is almost useless with delays of a minute or two, thus making browsers unusable.

    Also, Maps no longer shows any maps, either sat or graphic maps. Used to work fine on first couple betas of 12.3 but stopped working in about beta 2.

    These bugs were reported to Apple under the beta reporting system, but it now appears that this is likely a problem with Parallels and some changes made to possibly webkit, etc.

    Reported as Issue 393045683
  2. GarryB4

    GarryB4 Bit poster

    Same issue for me with a 12.3 guest on a 12.3 host running Parallels 17.1.2 (51548). Safari is virtually useless - updates pages if Safari is hidden then unhidden. dating pages when scrolling takes minutes.
  3. Neilwhit

    Neilwhit Member

    Received a reply from Parallels support, asked to try a fix, but that didn't resolve either problem. Neither did upgrading to v17.1.2.
  4. JohnSmithers

    JohnSmithers Bit poster

    It's happening to me in Firefox as well, so whatever it is, is not a webkit issue. Likely a wider graphics rendering issue with the virtual gpu, same issue that has been causing Parallels to freeze my entire machine when the VM boots.
  5. Neilwhit

    Neilwhit Member

    Upgrade to bv4.1 didn't fix. Parallels support said they are escalating this up to Development for resolution.
  6. JohnSmithers

    JohnSmithers Bit poster

    I caught the exact same issue happening during remote screen sharing with a client. 100% identical, no Parallels involved. This is a macOS graphics issue of some kind.
  7. Neilwhit

    Neilwhit Member

    Not resolved in 4b2
  8. Paya

    Paya Junior Member

    I have the same issue on 17.1.2. This seems to be an issue with hardware acceleration. Both my host and guest OS is Monterey.

    If I use Safari, hardware acceleration is enabled by default and cannot be disabled. But if I scroll, the window does not repaint even though the scroll did happen. You can check this by resizing the window slightly. Somehow this triggers the window repaint and you can see the page did in fact scroll. On Big Sur, everything worked fine.

    If I install Chrome and disable hardware acceleration in it, everything works just fine as one would expect. If I leave hardware acceleration enabled in Chrome, I have the exact same issues like you do with Safari.

    Somehow Parallels does not work well with Monterey guest. I have issues with hardware acceleration as mentioned here. I also have additional issues with USB devices that are impossible to connect to the guest. The USB issue is present even on Windows guests:

    Seems to me like Parallels has some serious issues with their graphics+USB drivers in the latest version.
  9. Mr. C.

    Mr. C. Member

    I'm seeing the same thing. It can be triggered also with large modal dialogs such as the Store > Account > Account Settings in the App Store. A slight scroll movement will take 30+ seconds before anything happens, and this is for every movement.
  10. TimoC

    TimoC Bit poster

    I'm experiencing the same issue with Parallels 17.1.2 (51548) with macOS 12.3 running on the host as well as on the Guest Machine.
    The issue does not just occur in Browsers but also in apps that for example utilize SwiftUI Animations. Does anyone know how to work around these issues while the Parallels team is working on a fix?
    So basically is there a way to disable HW Acceleration for the whole OS, not just for some browsers?
  11. Paya

    Paya Junior Member

    As far as I know, there is no fix or workaround we users can do. If your app doesn't have a config setting somewhere to disable HW acceleration, then you are out of luck. Support for HW acceleration on MacOS guests was a big new feature introduced in Parallels a year or two ago, until it broke few months ago. And I am not entirely sure Parallels team is working on a fix because I haven't seen anyone acknowledge this issue yet.
    DudleyS likes this.
  12. SergioI2

    SergioI2 Bit poster

    I'm having exactly the same, any ETA on the fixes?
    2 of the apps we have to use do not have a switch to disable hardware acceleration...
    I could disable on VSCOde and Edge, but still blocked by this...
  13. FrancoisA

    FrancoisA Bit poster

    Hi guys and girls,

    Just to let you know that you are not the only ones having this problem and still persists in macOS bĂȘta 12.5 (21G5027d) virtual machines. I opened a support ticket at Parallels and am currently troubleshooting it with the Second Line of the Parallels Support Team.

    I'll keep you informed of our progresses as soon as something work out.
    Wish me luck!
    LuisA13 and DavidC109 like this.
  14. Paya

    Paya Junior Member

    @FrancoisA: Any progress since May 26?
  15. Neilwhit

    Neilwhit Member

    Nothing. Updated to new 17.1.4 Parallels but still has exactly the same problems in browsers and Maps. Guessing that using Parallels for guest macOS is dead for the newer OS's.
  16. Paya

    Paya Junior Member

    HC_3 likes this.
  17. HC_3

    HC_3 Hunter

    all this is increasingly annoying. i wonder who they let develop what is actually good software ...

    i confess that i am not a programmer and probably cannot appreciate the pitfalls of such programming.

    but just because some customers - also paying customers - feel the same way, parallels should really communicate more and better about it ...

    see also here: #64
  18. JohnSmithers

    JohnSmithers Bit poster

    This seems to be fixed for me as of the macOS 12.5 update. I suspected it was an OS issue because it was happening during screen sharing as well; this would seem to confirm that.
  19. Paya

    Paya Junior Member

    Lucky for you then. I also have macOS 12.5 and I experienced this issue until I downgraded Parallels from v17.1.4 (latest version as of today) to v17.0.1.
  20. DudleyS

    DudleyS Bit poster

    How is it that we can now be on Parallels 18 and MacOS guests have been unusable for months, yet Parallels does absolutely nothing?!?!? How is it possible they could have a major version release and not discover this? Surely there is something to make MacOS guests work without downloading to year-old software.

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