Black screen with 3d acceleration enabled for Gazebo and Rviz (Robotic)

Discussion in 'Parallels Desktop on a Mac with Apple silicon' started by Jean-MichelL, Nov 30, 2021.

  1. Jean-MichelL

    Jean-MichelL Bit poster

    I just updated my parallels Desktop to 17.1.1 update. Since this update, 3d acceleration seems to work better as I now have a normal background (before the update I had a black background). However I still have to major problems:
    -Gazebo displays a black screen when I enable 3d acceleration
    -RVIZ displays a black screen when I enable 3d acceleration
    Without 3d acceleration, black screen problem vanishes and I manage to have 15 FPS, but with an M1Pro, I am sure I can get a solid 40 FPS and even more.

    Attached Files:

    TravisM10 and forgetlight like this.
  2. TravisM10

    TravisM10 Bit poster

    Just wanted to bump this because I am having the same issue.
  3. SzymonK1

    SzymonK1 Bit poster

    also bumping! the same issue
  4. MartinM30

    MartinM30 Bit poster

    Bumping the same issue!!!
  5. EikeJ

    EikeJ Bit poster

    Same issue here.
  6. AbdulA3

    AbdulA3 Bit poster

    I'm having the same issue even on the latest update: Version 17.1.1 (51537). I was really hoping that this update fixes it, especially since it seems to tackle this specific issue from the notes.

    Attached Files:

  7. glenn_zhang

    glenn_zhang Bit poster

    Bumping the same issue!!!
  8. MalteH1

    MalteH1 Bit poster

    I experience the same issue. A fix would be very much appreciated.
  9. JacquesP3

    JacquesP3 Bit poster

    same issue
  10. GuangY1

    GuangY1 Bit poster

    I have the same issue. This is pretty much a deal breaker because I use Gazebo for my project quiet often. Hopefully, there will be a fix.
  11. forgetlight

    forgetlight Bit poster

    Hi everyone,
    I finally managed to solve this issue without using the LIBGL_ALWAY_SOFTWARE suggested here which sacrifices the wonderful graphic power from M1 Pro/Max chips.
    Firstly, if you've already exported the LIBGL_ALWAY_SOFTWARE variable to 1 in the terminal or in the .bashrc file, please comment it out or set it back to 0 or unset it.
    Then either set the OGRE_RTT_MODE manually as below or put it in the .bashrc file.
    export OGRE_RTT_MODE=Copy
    It permanently solves everything, I can get pretty good fps in very complicated Gazebo simulation, stably 60fps, as compared to only 8fps with software rendering enforced.
    Cheers, and enjoy it!
    PS: I really can't believe how bad does Parallel team handles this. I raised 2 tickets about this issue to the support team but they didn't reach back to me until after 2 weeks. The reply is like nothing helpful, one of which let me re-install the Parallel tools but with the link for the Windows machine. I stated so clearly it happened on Linux Guest OS and also the kernel error message.. Really nothing to say about it.

    EikeJ, GuangY1 and Jean-MichelL1 like this.
  12. Jean-MichelL1

    Jean-MichelL1 Bit poster

    THIS IS THE GREATEST NEWS SINCE I HAVE MY MAC! I pass from 12 fps to 62 fps and I'm almost sure it is capped and could be better. thank you!
  13. GuangY1

    GuangY1 Bit poster

    Thank you so much! Yeah, I agree that Parallel team's customer support is pretty much using template for trouble shooting and not trying to understand the problem itself. Before the problem was solved, I also find myself using WSL2 quiet a lot with the latest Windows 11 and everything just works right out of the box. The WSL2 also supports GPU passthrough if you have a dedicated Nvidia GPU (This is off topic, but I am just leaving it here just in case you guys need to run something graphically intensive, or need to do machine learning)
  14. LimG

    LimG Bit poster

    I did that but I am still having the same issue. I still have the black screen on the gazebo. Is there other things that you have tried before the
    export OGRE_RTT_MODE=Copy ???
  15. LimG

    LimG Bit poster


    What did you do specifically?

    export OGRE_RTT_MODE=Copy

    I typed that command and ran gazebo with rviz. I am still having the same issue.
  16. glenn_zhang

    glenn_zhang Bit poster

    It's not work.I am still having the same issue too.
  17. glenn_zhang

    glenn_zhang Bit poster

    After updating to version 18, it works.
  18. staycoolish

    staycoolish Bit poster

    I have a Macbook Pro M1 with 8 GB ram, and use the most recent Parallels version (19). export OGRE_RTT_MODE = COPY method didn't work for me, with 3D Acceleration I get an error directly from Gazebo. I use Ubuntu 22.04.3 Desktop from arm64 image, didn't install from Parallels itself (which has 22.04.2). Can that be the reason? Did anyone has used gazebo successfully with M1? Note that I have gazebo garden that I installed from binary build.
  19. VincentL15

    VincentL15 Bit poster

    Unfortunately, this trick isn't working anymore. I have a MacBook Pro M1 MAX and I installed Ubuntu 22.04. with the Parallels version 18.2.0. For my work I am using zsh as a shell and the only thing I have done so far in Ubuntu was to successfully install ROS2. The workaround using export LIBGL_ALWAY_SOFTWARE = 1 and forcing it to render on software does work, but this is not useful for more complex projects. Does anybody have a suggestion what I could try to make it render on my Apple hardware?
  20. RodrigoS9

    RodrigoS9 Bit poster

    Hello, so I have struggled with the same problem quite recently. I am running Gazebo Garden built from source on Ubuntu 22.04 with Parallels 20. Even though the workaround with export LIBGL_ALWAY_SOFTWARE = 1 keeps on working, it still has the mentioned FPS cap, which makes it not interesting at all. However, I was able to run at 60 fps by running gz sim --render-engine ogre, which uses ogre1 instead of ogre2. There are some losses in the rendering quality but it might still be useful.

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