Option for not showing Win apps icons in Dock

Discussion in 'Windows Virtual Machine' started by AmauryV, Nov 4, 2009.

  1. dfarfan

    dfarfan Bit poster

    I also want this disabled. Cmd-tab doesn't switch to Windows applications, so the Dock icons are useless to me.
  2. alexg

    alexg Parallels Developers

    I see. Thanks.

    Note: CMD+Tab allow to switch to Windows applications.
  3. latenight

    latenight Bit poster

    Pollution of windows icons in dock

    I have an issue with Parallels 5.0 that when I close a window in Windows 7 the icon remains in the dock so that by the end of the day I have over 50 windows icons in the dock and most of them were already closed. See attached picture after a couple of hours working. When you have that many icons in the dock the icons are tiny and the dock is useless. If I click on the phantom icons they close and the dock becomes gradually larger. Is there a way to prevent this?

    Attached Files:

  4. joevt

    joevt Forum Maven

    Did you try reinstalling Parallels Tools?

    You could also try deselecting "Share Windows applications with Mac OS X".
  5. latenight

    latenight Bit poster

    Yes I've reinstalled Parallels as well as Parallels Tools several times to no avail. I would like to share windows applications with the Mac OS so I was wondering if there is a way around it without deselecting that.
  6. joevt

    joevt Forum Maven

    If the icons exist in the dock then they must be still running in Mac OS X. Do you see them in the Activity Monitor?

    The Task Manager in Windows doesn't show the apps still running in Windows?

    There must be a strange bug that lets Parallels know that you have started an app but not when you've ended an app...

    I turned on "Use detailed log messages" in Parallels Desktop Preferences. Then tried running and quitting NotePad multiple times and looking at the log messages in the parallels.log file using Console.app.

    When you run a program, you should get the following for each occurrence of the program you're running (I got this while using Windows XP and Parallels Desktop 5.0.9370):
    D SGAC /gui:3190:207/ Helper bundle "/Users/joevt/Documents/Parallels/BootCamp2.pvm/Windows Applications/Notepad [1].app" versionStatus=0: helperVmUuid="{9f710d3c-a320-49f5-af00-4efa3e9980b2}", currentVmUuid="{9f710d3c-a320-49f5-af00-4efa3e9980b2}", helperVersion="6.5", currentVersion="6.5"
    Then you get the following for each occurrence of the program that you quit since the last time you started an occurrence of the program. I think psn is a Carbon ProcessSerialNumber. They should have just used PID...
    I SGAC /gui:3190:207/ Helper with psn={0, 2454103} not running anymore
    Then this (where 10443 is a PID for the help app):
    I SGAC /gui:3190:207/ Found registered Vm with name="BootCamp2" for vmUuid="{9f710d3c-a320-49f5-af00-4efa3e9980b2}" (vmWrap=0x4425d00)
    I SGA_ /SCTool:10443:903/ Vm uuid in reply is ok
    Then a repeat of the "not running anymore" messages. Then another helper bundle message. Then this:
    I SGAC /gui:3190:207/ Running helper with psn={0, 2519655} attached to launched guest application
    And finally another helper bundle message.

    When you quit an occurrence of the program, you should get:
    D SGAC /gui:3190:207/ HELPER_USELESS(psn={0, 2519655}), line=3375
    I SGAC /gui:3190:207/ No use in running helper with psn={0, 2519655}, i=12, bundlePath="/Users/joevt/Documents/Parallels/BootCamp2.pvm/Windows Applications/Notepad [1].app"
    I SGAC /gui:3190:207/ Failed to find helper for guest app with appGUID={0xf90, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0} and appPath="C:\WINDOWS\system32\notepad.exe"
  7. GregorG1

    GregorG1 Bit poster

    This problem still seems to persist twelve years later. Whilst it's possible to remove the icons by disabling access to the apps themselves, this remains suboptimal as pointed out above: these are separate functions and the icons in the dock beyond not being pretty can get in the way as the numbers quickly add up...
    Therefore: I repeat the request for a separation of functionality...
    Many thanks!

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