CANNOT expand my hard drive!!! Image tool basically does nothing.

Discussion in 'Windows Virtual Machine' started by argh, Nov 25, 2007.

  1. argh

    argh Junior Member

    I've got parallels 3.0 (5160)

    And guess what? I can't expand my hard drive image.

    it was 8GB. So I tried to expand it to 12GB so I could install a game.

    Guess what? Nothing happened, image still at 8GB, and MSWindowsXP reported the disk to be 8GB. So I tried again, same thing, nothing.

    I tried converting to a "plain old format"... not compressed. Guess what! the .hdd file now takes 12GB on disk. And Windows reports the size to be.... 8GB!! WONDERFUL! So I've lost 4GB of disk space, for nothing.

    So, I try expanding it to 13GB thinking maybe one last try might be different. NOPE!

    STILL STUCK on 8GB. So now I've wasted 5GB.

    I give up. What is wrong? Can parallels seriously fix their tool? Just DELETE the image tool and don't give it out, or FIX IT.

    What is the point in giving us an app that basically does nothing except waste the user's time and nerves?
  2. fbronner

    fbronner Pro


    So you obviously are not really a windows guy. Well, guess what, the tool is not wrong, you are.

    You have to go to windows Disk administration tool, you will find there that there is now a bigger disk available but that the empty space is not partitionned.

    There you will partition it and add it into windows.

    Before complaining about something stating it does not work, maybe you should politely ask for help.
  3. argh

    argh Junior Member

    Not really :D It's you that is wrong AND the tool. And I am right.

    Either 1) Parallels should make this more obvious.

    or 2) Parallels should actually alter the hard disk image partition table.

    I'd rather it does 2).

    I assumed, seeing as it took forever, that it was altering the partition table. Seeing as it actually is doing something very minor, I think it is taking far too long to do the minor trick it is doing.


    I looked for a "Windows Disk Administration Tool"... could not find any such app. Couldn't find a "Disk Adminstration Tool" either.

    Also, the first thing I did BEFORE coming onto this forum, was check the C drive's properties from within Windows, to see if there was any button I could click to expand the disk to it's full size. I found no such button. So don't tell me I didn't try. I did try.
    Last edited: Nov 26, 2007
  4. kenduit

    kenduit Member

    I am running out of space on my vm start up disk.. I get a message to free up space on my startup disk .I have transfered files to my iomega 500gb storage removeable hd.I now have 4.8 gb free on my D drive in vm and 1.2 free on my C drive in vm.I still get the message only 238mb free on startup disk.Vm cannot start needs 512mb free space.Free up some space by deleting some files at /Users/kenkulmanefile system

    I can not fine the file system or the start up disk.
    Appreciate any help Thanks Ken
    /Users/kenkulmanefile system
  5. gegervision

    gegervision Hunter

    More than likely you had "System Restore" on in Windows (I'm assuming your using Windows XP).

    Anyway you can try to locate the System Restore folder free up some space there. You can later turn off system restore if you want to.
  6. fbronner

    fbronner Pro

    Right click on "My computer" Select Manage
    Go To "Storage" and then "Disk Management"
    Check on your partition layout, you should have empty space.

    My point was you could just come to the forum and ask if anybody has done it before or how come you can't seem to make it work before going all out saying the tool doesn't work.

    Or maybe just doing a search in these forums would have led you to a couple of post explaining how to do it. Or even doing a google search would have led you to a couple of posts here. is a good one for instance.
  7. Alicia

    Alicia Parallels Team


    for providing Guest OS with more hard disk space, please, check this article.

    Best regards,

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