iSight not recognized at all

Discussion in 'Windows Virtual Machine' started by narkee, Sep 13, 2007.

  1. narkee

    narkee Bit poster

    I realize there are a bunch of iSight posts, but nobody seems to have the same problem as me.
    I can see the Apple iSight in the Devices > USB menu, but selecting it does absolutely nothing.
    My virtual OS is XP SP2, and in the Device Manager I don't get any sort of iSight or Imaging device at all.
    There's nothing I can do to get Windows to see the iSight hardware.
    I've tried all the solutions including extracting and trying to install bootcamp drivers.
    I've read every FAQ, post and blog regarding this topic. I've even re-installed Parallels.
    I'm on build 5160 now, but the problem existed on the previous build as well.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
  2. DesertFalcon

    DesertFalcon Junior Member

    Same problem using my MacBook Pro.... No ISight visuals in Skype 3.5

  3. DesertFalcon

    DesertFalcon Junior Member

    I found this in the Support area.... This might help some of you. I am going to try it in the future, but I have other things that are more important at this time... Let me know if this works for you?



    My iSight doesn't work on Parallels Desktop for Mac.

    To solve the iSight problem please follow these steps:
    Install BootCamp drivers:

    Download and install the latest Apple Boot Camp from

    Open Macintosh HD - Applications - Utilities
    Mark Boot Camp Assistant, choose Show Package Contents from the Action menu.
    Go to Contents - Resources and click DiskImage.dmg to mount it.
    Find the iSightInstaller.exe file and copy it to your VM.
    Shut down (do not restart) your Parallels VM and turn off the Mac.
    Turn on your Mac and start your Parallels virtual machine.
    Choose USB from the Devices menu and select Built-In iSight.
    Allow your Windows OS to install the iSight drivers.
    Turn off the Built-in iSight mode in the Devices menu and then select it again
    Turn off the Built-in iSight mode in the Devices menu again if you want the camera to be used in your OS X.
  4. LAX2TLV

    LAX2TLV Bit poster

    doesnt work...

    killin me...
  5. Xenos

    Xenos Parallels Team

    Dear users,

    We are testing the issue. I hope soon we'll be able to answer you.

    Best regards,
  6. Xenos

    Xenos Parallels Team

    Possible solution

    Dear all,

    To use the Isight camera you can try to install Apple ISight drivers for Windows manually. Please follow the instructions:

    1. Insert the original Leopard DVD into the DVD drive of the Mac. Connect the disk to the virtual machine by choosing the "Default CD/DVD" drive under the "Devices - DVD rom" menu.
    2. Hold down the Shift key in order to disable the autorun option and stop the Boot Camp drivers automatic installation. If the Boot Camp window appears click on the "Cancel" button to cancel this installation.
    3. Open MyComputer, right-click on the Boot Camp DVD disk, choose the "Open" option, browse to the "Drivers-Apple" folder and find the "AppleiSightInstaller.exe" file.
    4. Connect the iSight camera to the virtual machine. To do so please choose the iSight camera under the "Parallels - Devices - USB" menu.
    5. Double-click on the AppleiSightInstaller.exe to install the required drivers for iSight. Please follow the on-screen instructions.

    Our QA team has tested this method however it's not proved by users yet.
    We'd appreciate the feedback from you.

    Best regards,
  7. LAX2TLV

    LAX2TLV Bit poster

    Installer file fails to launch on XP Pro on MacBook Pro 2.2GHz Santa Rosa
  8. Xenos

    Xenos Parallels Team

    LAX2TLV, thank you for the report. Delivering it to QA team...

    Best regards,
  9. Xenos

    Xenos Parallels Team


    Here is another solution to try.
    1. Run your VM, start Windows.
    2. Open Device Manager (Start –> Run –> type devmgmt.msc and click OK).
    3. Click Devices in Parallels Desktop menu and choose Isight Camera.
    4. Check if iSight camera or any unknown device will appear in Device Manager after that.
    5. Insert the original Leopard DVD into the DVD drive of the Mac. Connect the disk to the virtual machine by choosing the "Default CD/DVD" drive under the "Devices - DVD rom" menu.
    6. Go to Start -> Run. Type CMD and click OK.
    7. In Windows XP command interpreter type cd desktop. Press Enter.
    8. Then type appleisightinstaller -p. Press Enter.
    Isight driver installation should start after that.

    Best regards,
  10. jimsmm

    jimsmm Bit poster

    Is it safe to presume that this method will work under Tiger? Specifically OSX 10.4.11 on a MBP 15" 2.16 w/1gbRAM, build 5160, XP2 fully updated.
  11. Xenos

    Xenos Parallels Team

    Hello jimsmm,

    The point is that you have to get an isight driver somewhere. When following the steps proposed above you get the driver from Leopard DVD.
    Before Leopard's release you could get the driver from Boot Camp which is now a part of Leopard.
    So if you find the driver somewhere else the method will work for you.

    Best regards,
  12. Mississauga

    Mississauga Bit poster

    A successful Leopard/Parallels install indicates the necessary iSight driver has been installed - shows up under Device Manager/System. I believe continuing issues may exist with 3rd party IM applications. I've just completed a few tests using AIM; although a video chat was initiated, and my iMac's iSight light appeared, the invited party was not able to see my picture, while I was able to see them.
  13. gegervision

    gegervision Hunter

    I installed the iSight driver in Tiger/Windows XP using Parallels and it worked great. I found the iSight driver online at the time. Now since I upgraded to Leopard and I had the drivers on Disk which made it easier. I still had to reinstall the drivers again but it did work.

    Just follow the instructions Xenos provided and you'll be fine. Just remember to reboot your Guest OS after installation of the driver and you should be good to go.
  14. chinarut

    chinarut Member

    rerunning the iSight installer off the Leopard DVD worked great.

    this is not a Parallels issue.

    be noted you need to override the fact that the "latest" driver is already there and let the installer install again!

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