Clipboard History Supercharged

Discussion in 'Parallels Toolbox Feature Suggestions' started by RizwanN, Nov 21, 2021.

  1. RizwanN

    RizwanN Bit poster

    I've used other Clipboard managers (in particular one called ClipMenu - discontinued) that allow you to
    - keyboard shortcut to open a menu of items used
    - record snippets - commonly used terms to be able to paste with a keyboard shortcut
    - Sorts your items into folders of 100 or your preference.
    - Choose to paste an option in lowercase, all caps, sentence case, title case etc.
    - Allow you to choose the types of items that can be copied (i.e PDF element or Illustrator would make this program lag so I turned off PDF elements)

    Would be great to add some of these features to this app to make it more usable.
    See attached example of program I use from the top dropdown.

    Attached Files:

  2. HC_3

    HC_3 Hunter

    I would also be interested in this, in particular:

    - Keyboard shortcuts to open a menu of items used.
    - Record snippets - frequently used terms that you can insert with a keyboard shortcut
    RizwanN likes this.
  3. HC_3

    HC_3 Hunter

  4. Keith Gillette

    Keith Gillette Bit poster

  5. Aydaskhan Asochakov

    Aydaskhan Asochakov Parallels Support

    Thank you for posting on Parallels Forum.
    We've forwarded your request to the respective team for further discussion.
    We don't know when and if it will be implemented, but in any case - we will let you know.
    Should you have any additional questions, let us know.
    Have a great week ahead!
    Jayden1 likes this.

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