PD 17.1 update broke my VM, help fix Parallels Tools

Discussion in 'Installation and Configuration of Parallels Desktop' started by DoniK, Oct 14, 2021.

  1. DoniK

    DoniK Hunter

    Upgraded from PD 17.x to the new 17.1 and it's been a disaster. Parallels Tools (Win 10 latest build) hung during upgrade and now the previous tools version is half installed and my VM is hanging and crashing left and right. I haven't been able to uninstall (Win doesn't see it as installed) or reinstall even in safe mode because error 1714 (old tools partially installed). Now I'm trying to get the MS Program Install/Uninstall troubleshooter going, to hopefully remove the old installation, but no luck yet. I'll probably wind up having to restore my VM from backup, which will be a painful recovery.

    I'm usually good about waiting a while before updating because of bugs, but it's been years I've had PD .x update completely blow up on me like this, so I let my guard down. Won't happen again. Be warned.

    Extra fun is I can't find a copy of the previous 17.x version installer to try that again. I guess I forgot to save it offline, which I usually do, knowing Parallels for some reason now refuses to keep them available. Sigh.
  2. DoniK

    DoniK Hunter

    MS troubleshooter doesn't see the installation either. So I guess I'll have to do a full VM recovery.
  3. DoniK

    DoniK Hunter

    I was able to find an official 17.0.1 installer and now my VM is somewhat working again. It's stopped crashing, but many Parallels Tools functions like host integration don't work because it's still only half (un)installed. Problem is, since Windows still doesn't see Parallels Tools as installed, and the Parallels Tools installer thinks it's a different version (from the failed upgrade) and won't let me reinstall until I uninstall it, I'm stuck. How can I manually uninstall Tools so I can install it again? (See attempts above)
  4. DoniK

    DoniK Hunter

    Success! The Tools install log had a product code in it, which I was able to use in the MS troubleshooter to fix it (I guessed I could do that). I then was able to reinstall Tools in 17.0.1, update to 17.1 again, and then 17.1 Tools were able to install successfully.

    Moral of this story: Always save a copy of each PD release version in case you need to roll back (which I normally do, but had forgotten to). And the KB for failed Tools installation could use more details, since it tells you to try the MS troubleshooter, but doesn't tell you to find the product code in the log, if the troubleshooter doesn't see Tools.

    I hope this helps someone else!
  5. DebasmitaM

    DebasmitaM Forum Maven

    Hello, thank you for sharing your feedback. Parallels Team.
  6. DoniK

    DoniK Hunter

    Well, turns out after all that 17.1 remained unstable. Tools would crash, Windows would quit out, apps wouldn't load. Reinstalling Tools failed. I've rolled back to 17.0.1 for now. 17.1 has been the worst .x version update in many years. Disappointing.
  7. >>> Message has been deleted by the user <<<
  8. DoniK

    DoniK Hunter

    @BlakeR Sorry, wish I could. I had to grab it from someone else, since I couldn't find it anywhere. It's so ridiculous we can easily download v16 or v15 or even older versions parallels.com, but not the previous v17 build!
  9. pohet

    pohet Bit poster

    DoniK likes this.
  10. Maria@Parallels

    Maria@Parallels Problem solver

    Hi, did you check the issue with the latest Parallels Desktop 17 build?
  11. Rail Rogut

    Rail Rogut Member

  12. Rail Rogut

    Rail Rogut Member

    Nevermind - Figured it out.. You have to close that window using the close button in the title bar and then you'll be prompted to keep the older version... really bad UI
    pohet likes this.
  13. EmilN1

    EmilN1 Bit poster

    Hallo, ich habe die aktuelle Version von Parallels installiert und nun funktioniert das Update von der Toolbox nicht. Kann jemand auf deutsch helfen ???

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