Will my W11 on Intel MBP work with the new M1 MBP?

Discussion in 'Windows Virtual Machine' started by GerhardG2, Oct 16, 2021.

  1. GerhardG2

    GerhardG2 Member

    I currently have W11 running on my 2016 MBP under Big Sur and PD 16.5.1.
    I plan to buy a new MBP M1 as soon as its available.
    Will my current W11 VM work on the new M1 MBP? Or will it require a new W11 install?
    Ideally I would like to copy as saved VM from my external disk to the new MBP, upgrade to PD17 and start the VM with all Windows apps that I have already installed.
    Thanks for any comments.
  2. Dr Tone

    Dr Tone Junior Member

    Intel x86 windows virtual machines don't work on a M1 MBP. You would need an ARM version of windows.
  3. GerhardG2

    GerhardG2 Member

    Before I posted I was searching the Internet for anything related to this. I thought I found some information indicating that W11 would run on MBP M1 as well.
    Or would I have to install the W10 AMR version first and then upgrade to W11? or not bother with W10 and install W11? I had hoped I could avoid having to reinstall all my apps with the issue of having to
  4. Dr Tone

    Dr Tone Junior Member

    You would need an ARM version of windows 10 or 11.
  5. Dr Tone

    Dr Tone Junior Member

    I think Windows 10 ARM is no longer. Microsoft is moving forward with only W11 ARM.

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