Bridged Network to WiFi download problem

Discussion in 'Installation and Configuration of Parallels Desktop' started by SamW14, Feb 24, 2021.

  1. SamW14

    SamW14 Bit poster

    I updated my Mac OS to Big Sur from scratch and then updated my Windows 10 VM from scratch to Version 20H2. Everything works except one problem. When I use bridged network to my Mac WiFi, I can see the internet and browse. However, when I downloaded from the internet, the download would start then failed. I tried Chrome and Edge. Same problem. It is not just restricted to the browser. A setup application that downloads from the internet also failed to download. Using different ethernet NICs in Parallels configuration did not solve the problem.

    If I switch to Shared Network, everything works. That probably means the Windows firewall etc is not the issue. Also, if I plug in a usb ethernet adaptor on the Mac side and do bridged network to that adaptor, everything works too.

    I have a MacBook Pro (15 inch, 2018).

    Has anyone encountered similar issue?

  2. Maria@Parallels

    Maria@Parallels Problem solver

    Hello, did you try only one link to download? Or you're unable to download anything?
  3. SamW14

    SamW14 Bit poster

    Downloading short files work. I think it just cannot sustain the download. When I looked at the download folder, I saw multiple temp files created by the failed downloads, with size from 100kB to several 100s kB.
    Does "one link" mean a single download? The Mac side was idle while I tested the downloads on the Windows side.

    Everything worked fine (with the latest Parallels version) before I changed the Mac OS to Big Sur and Windows 10 to 20H2.

  4. SamW14

    SamW14 Bit poster

    More info. I have a Ubuntu VM that used to work before moving to Big Sur. Now it suffers the same problem, i.e., download would fail when using Bridged WiFi. I did not rebuild the Ubuntu VM. However, my Window XP running Firefox without problem downloading the same file using Bridged WiFi. Maybe because the XP is just not running very fast.

  5. SamW14

    SamW14 Bit poster

    I pulled out my previous Windows 10 VM from backup and did the same download. It failed the same way. So I would safely conclude that the problem has nothing to do with the OS in the VM. It is probably a problem with Parallels running on Big Sur.
  6. Maria@Parallels

    Maria@Parallels Problem solver

    Could you collect the tech report once the issue reproduced and post the report's ID here please?
  7. SamW14

    SamW14 Bit poster

    Report sent. ID is 364329722.

  8. JustinS15

    JustinS15 Bit poster

    I'm experiencing the same issue
  9. Maria@Parallels

    Maria@Parallels Problem solver

    Hello, are you running the latest Parallels Desktop build 17.0.1?
    Could you provide us with the details please?
  10. Maria@Parallels

    Maria@Parallels Problem solver

    Are you unable to download any specific app or file?
  11. JustinS15

    JustinS15 Bit poster

    My issue is very similar to the original poster. I purchased Parallels Desktop for Mac (Pro) in December 2020. At that time, it was v16.x, but it persists in v17.0.1. It has always had problems downloading files in Windows 10 through Firefox, Chrome, and Edge, as well as downloading Windows Updates, while in Bridged Network mode. I've tried the different virtual network interface types, and they all experience the same issue that the OP described - browser downloads start but finish with a network error. Windows Updates start downloading, and hang part way through and never finish.
    As an example of files that I'm unable to download in Bridged mode, any of the files on this page: Microsoft Edge, the file begins and immediately quits with a message that states "Couldn't download - network issue". If I switch to Shared Networking, downloads work great.
    Current details (but this has happened with older versions of host OS, guest OS, and Parallels.
    Host: MacOs 11.5.2
    Guest: Windows 10 Pro, 20H2, OS Build 19042.1237
    Parallels Desktop 17 for Mac - Pro Edition Version 17.0.1 (51482)

    Attached Files:

  12. JustinS15

    JustinS15 Bit poster

    The same issue occurs in an MX Linux guest, using Firefox and a different site/file download altogether. Screenshot attached. Switching to Shared Networking again resolves the issue.

    Attached Files:

    DoniK likes this.
  13. DoniK

    DoniK Hunter

    Yes, same issue! Just spent all morning troubleshooting. Reproduced with multiple VMs. This also affects some Windows Update downloads and Outlook cached mode OST sync, likely because also large file network heavy. Not until I tried a manual download did I realize it wasn't an MS issue.
    macOS 11.6, PD 17.0.1, Win10 21H1
  14. DoniK

    DoniK Hunter

    I can't generate a report, though, because my IT security blocks the dump. :rolleyes:
  15. DoniK

    DoniK Hunter

    @Maria@Parallels Do you know if this is actively worked on and any ETA? Thanks
    (I've read VMW also has some major networking bugs introduced by breaking changes is macOS > 11.0 (11.x updates), but their support has said publicly they'll have a release tomorrow with a fix.)
  16. DoniK

    DoniK Hunter


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