Epic's "Assassin's Creed: Syndicate" not starting

Discussion in 'Windows Virtual Machine' started by DieterW4, Feb 21, 2020.

  1. DieterW4

    DieterW4 Bit poster

    Good morning,
    right off the bat a "sorry" if I am too dumb to find it but my search did not produce anything.
    Here goes: Epic is giving away Assassin's Creed: Syndicate" for free this week. So I downloaded it and installed it overnight, together with the Epic "installer". My problem: it will quite simply not start. Epic starts, but when I click on AC nothing happens. It says Launch - Running AC - and then ... nothing!

    Parallels 15 is set up "only for games", it's on a brand new MBP 16" with 8 GB Video RAM and 32 GB normal RAM.

    Anything I can do to get this running?

  2. Hi, please try to set RAM to 8GB for virtual machine and change Graphics Memory to 2GB and check. To change these configuration follow:
    1) Shut down VM.
    2) Open configuration, refer to https://kb.parallels.com/117287
    3) Go to 'Hardware' > 'CPU & Memory' and 'Graphics'
    Make the changes as suggested, launch VM and check if the Game launches.
    Also, check if the game requires a dedicated graphics card then refer to https://kb.parallels.com/122807
  3. DieterW4

    DieterW4 Bit poster

    Thanks, I tried that but no dice.
    Could it be that AC is looking for a dedicated graphics card? I do not get shown the "dedicated 3D acceleration" as shown in the first screenshot of https://kb.parallels.com/122807

  4. DieterW4

    DieterW4 Bit poster

    BTW., here is the Troubleshooting result: (TLDR: all green!)
    "EndPointResults": [
    "Type": "Endpoint",
    "Result": "Passed",
    "Code": "",
    "Desc": "Backend Connectivity Tests for https://account-public-service-prod03.ol.epicgames.com"
    "Type": "Endpoint",
    "Result": "Passed",
    "Code": "",
    "Desc": "Backend Connectivity Tests for https://launcher-public-service-prod06.ol.epicgames.com"
    "Type": "Endpoint",
    "Result": "Passed",
    "Code": "",
    "Desc": "Backend Connectivity Tests for https://catalog-public-service-prod06.ol.epicgames.com"
    "Type": "Endpoint",
    "Result": "Passed",
    "Code": "",
    "Desc": "Backend Connectivity Tests for https://entitlement-public-service-prod08.ol.epicgames.com"
    "Type": "Endpoint",
    "Result": "Passed",
    "Code": "",
    "Desc": "Backend Connectivity Tests for https://priceengine-public-service-ecomprod01.ol.epicgames.com"
    "Type": "Endpoint",
    "Result": "Passed",
    "Code": "",
    "Desc": "Backend Connectivity Tests for https://lightswitch-public-service-prod06.ol.epicgames.com"
    "Type": "Endpoint",
    "Result": "Passed",
    "Code": "",
    "Desc": "Backend Connectivity Tests for https://eulatracking-public-service-prod06.ol.epicgames.com"
    "Type": "Endpoint",
    "Result": "Passed",
    "Code": "",
    "Desc": "Backend Connectivity Tests for https://friends-public-service-prod06.ol.epicgames.com"
    "Type": "Endpoint",
    "Result": "Passed",
    "Code": "",
    "Desc": "Backend Connectivity Tests for https://epicgames.com"
    "Type": "Endpoint",
    "Result": "Passed",
    "Code": "",
    "Desc": "Backend Connectivity Tests for https://launcher-website-prod07.ol.epicgames.com/"
    "MinimumSpecResults": [
    "Type": "Processor",
    "Result": "Passed",
    "Code": "",
    "Desc": "CPU: 2 Cores"
    "Type": "Memory",
    "Result": "Passed",
    "Code": "",
    "Desc": "RAM: 2GB"
    "Type": "Graphics Device",
    "Result": "Passed",
    "Code": "",
    "Desc": "GPU: GeForce 5, Radeon 9000, Intel HD Graphics"
    "Type": "Operating System",
    "Result": "Passed",
    "Code": "",
    "Desc": "OS: Windows 7 (or similar)"
    "RecommendedSpecResults": [
    "Type": "Processor",
    "Result": "Passed",
    "Code": "",
    "Desc": "CPU: 4 Cores"
    "Type": "Memory",
    "Result": "Passed",
    "Code": "",
    "Desc": "RAM: 4GB"
    "Type": "Graphics Device",
    "Result": "Passed",
    "Code": "",
    "Desc": "GPU: GeForce 400, Radeon HD 5000, Intel HD Graphics 4000/2500"
    "Type": "Operating System",
    "Result": "Passed",
    "Code": "",
    "Desc": "OS: Windows 7 (or similar)"
  5. If the game requires a dedicated Graphics card it will not work in virtual environment. However, you can use a eGPU and check. Refer to https://kb.parallels.com/124266
  6. DieterW4

    DieterW4 Bit poster

    So, I've gotten the game to start - starting the EPIC-loader as Admin did the trick. Sadly, the graphics are still completely off ...
    Thanks for teh eGPU-Tip The MBP has a dedicated graphics card built in, no external. I can also not activate eGPU, it's not offered in "get Info"
  7. DieterW4

    DieterW4 Bit poster

    Movie sequences work fine as they should, but the moment the player enters the factory nothing is recognizable
  8. LTLevine

    LTLevine Bit poster

    Same (and roughly same machine - though I have 64gb of ram :) Did you ever get it working? I see nothing but polygons moving slowly around. No amount of graphic setting tuning seems to make a difference. Strangely, text overlays and audio seem fine, just the underlying graphics are a mess.
  9. LTLevine

    LTLevine Bit poster

    And a couple of screenshot examples: Screen Shot 2020-08-04 at 2.05.04 AM.jpg Screen Shot 2020-08-04 at 2.05.29 AM.jpg
  10. Maria@Parallels

    Maria@Parallels Problem solver

    Hello, could you collect the tech report right after the issue reproduced and post the report's ID here?
  11. LTLevine

    LTLevine Bit poster

    346337122 is the ID. FWIW the problem is able to be seen even before this point. Videos play fine and certain artifacts render ok but the rendering of the environment is alway a mess. I can reproduce and am happy to test.
  12. LTLevine

    LTLevine Bit poster

    I did one more. 346342868 This is just starting the game up and getting to the menu. You can actually see the artifacts in the menu screen itself (screenshots are in the logs).
  13. LTLevine

    LTLevine Bit poster

    Thanks Peter but this isn't really the issue anymore. The OP correctly noted that the Epic issue could be worked around by launching directly from uPlay for the game is unplayable due to rendering issues. These are much more significant than the Epic issue. I maybe have accidentally hijacked the thread but really in the same path that the OP ended going down (so I don't feel bad about it.) As it stands, Epic issue aside, this game is not working due to the graphics rendering issues reported by the OP and myself.
  14. LTLevine

    LTLevine Bit poster

    I just upgraded to Parallels 16. It does exactly the same thing fwiw.
  15. LTLevine

    LTLevine Bit poster

    Captured a new Report ID in Parallels 16. Report ID: 347026418
  16. MichelJ1

    MichelJ1 Bit poster

    I am a fan of epic game. I play fortnite most time everyday.
  17. MichelJ1

    MichelJ1 Bit poster

  18. LawrenceL5

    LawrenceL5 Bit poster

    Parallels Support - any progress - even current version still doing the same thing.
  19. TakuyaM3

    TakuyaM3 Bit poster

    Parallels 17 still doesn't work
  20. Maria@Parallels

    Maria@Parallels Problem solver

    Hello, could you collect the tech report once the issue reproduced and post the report's ID here please?

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