[Licensing] Use one license on several personal computers

Discussion in 'Parallels Desktop for Mac Feature Suggestions' started by RyanM8, May 31, 2017.


Easy to use facility to switch license between computer systems

  1. Yes, great. need one

    171 vote(s)
  2. No

    10 vote(s)
  1. oztrev

    oztrev Member

    I have finally started moving my VMs to VMware Fusion 11.5.6 for multiple reasons: no arbitrary CPU/RAM restrictions; the licence allows me to install on multiple computers; cost; Parallels no longer supports full screen resolution on FreeBSD (it did back in PD14); the latest version PD16 has multiple issues (Midi apps no longer work in a macOS VM - but the biggest issue is despite the PD's claim to support Big Sur it doesn't - screen resolution is limited to 1024x768). Needless to say, the current Fusion release has none of these issues.
  2. ManojC

    ManojC Bit poster

    there is any way to get a free licence
  3. Andreas76

    Andreas76 Bit poster

    If you could just see how much money you are not making just by loosing or not making new customers. Just I know at least 5 people who were willing to spend money on a solution like that but you pushed them out of your universe with your price and licensing politics. Normal private users don't seem to be your target.At least it is just a kind of backend program and it has to be more "silent"

    Now I am happy that the new VMware player is absolutely free for private use and feels so much faster and smoother than before.
    3D performance and integration gimmicks might not be the same but most of the people are not willing to spend 200 bucks every year just to run a 16GB machine at home and on the road.
    I was really willing to pay but its absolutely ridiculous that I was not able to run it on my MacBook with the same licence. We are talking about that for years now.
    Your product is great but it seems that you don't want this community to grow but to get all the money to of it as fast as possible. Maybe I give you another try in some years ... hope management changed then.
  4. Putry Devi

    Putry Devi Bit poster

    awesome realy i like it, thank you :)
  5. AndreaG11

    AndreaG11 Bit poster

    I hope they will review their licensing too.

    I'm on Big Sur (sudo -b saved my life for the the networking issue) and I use a single app to edit MP3 tags on one Win10 VM that runs on a single iMac.
    I usually used VirtualBox but as I tried PD I found that VB was soooo slow and I felt in love with Coherence.
    I tried Vmware Fusion FREE too, but it was slower than PD16 and had issues with sound card on guest OS and graphical glitches with Unity.
    So, I'm not asking for a free "personal" license like Vmware do (that would be great) but I think that 99€ is a little bit too pricey.

  6. sohailK

    sohailK Bit poster

    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 27, 2020
  7. KellyT2

    KellyT2 Bit poster

    What's this license of a thing about because my window recently notify me to activate my license which i dont understand.
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 12, 2020
  8. MrWhite15

    MrWhite15 Bit poster

    I agree with you. It should be considered.
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 27, 2020
  9. Jpmcc

    Jpmcc Bit poster

    The lack of being able to install on multiple machines was just about to push me to VMware Fusion, I have just checked their policy on this. For commercial use, it is strictly one license, one machine - even if if not used concurrently.

    For private use, yes, multiple installs are permitted, but it sounds like many posters here aren't using those installs for non-commercial purposes, so in violation of the fusion EULA.

    Still undecided, but the free Parallels vagrant provider may swing things as Hashicorp charge $79 for the VMware provider, also Fusion is twice the cost. For that, I could probably put up with any hassle switching licenses between machines.

    ROLLAND Bit poster


    Je regrette que l'on ne puisse pas utiliser l'application sur un PC bureau et un portable.

    Si j'ai j'ai bien compris, je dois acheter 2 licences qu'il va me valoir renouveler tous les ans.

    Win 10, ne s'achète qu'une seul fois pour chaque appareil sans abonnement annuel, avec la possibilité en cas de panne de pouvoir le réinstaller grâce à une clé.

    Je possède d'autres logiciel ou applications qui autorise le téléchargement sur 2 appareils. En effet, le portable permet de pouvoir continuer d'utiliser le produit chez soi sur un appareil (Bureau ou portable). En déplacement, je peux grâce au portable continuer de travailler avec le logiciel ou application.

    Il est dommage que votre société ne propose pas cette solution.

    Je vais renouveler mon contrat sur mon Mac Book air. Si demain j'utilise mon ordinateur PC bureau chez Apple, je devrais enlever Parallels du portable et l'installer sur le fixe et recommencer à chaque fois que je vais utiliser Parallels sur l'un ou sur l'autre. Cela fait beaucoup de manipulation pour pouvoir utiliser Parallels. Quand pensez-vous ?

    Cela complique grandement l'utilisation de votre application sur nos PC. Peut-être qu'un jour il sera possible que vous envisagiez une solution plus facile à l'emploi.

    En résumé, la seule solution pour utiliser Parallels sur 2 PC (Bureau et Portable), c'est de le supprimer sur un pour l'installer sur l'autre et vis et versa. Un vrai travail de titan. Ou alors acheter 2 licences, c'est-à-dire payer près 160 euros chaque année (1600 euros en 10 ans), pour pouvoir utiliser win 10 sur Apple. Il vaut mieux dans ce cas éviter Apple. Finalement je vais demander à Microsoft et à Apple quand win 10 sera disponible. Si votre entreprise ne propose pas mieux, je vais réfléchir quand à l'utilisation et le matériel que dois finalement acheter.
  11. Davidj39

    Davidj39 Bit poster

    we can only use one license for one computer only bcoz every computer has a unique id , if it is installed on one computer, we can not use that license on another computer.it will show an error message. but we can download the crack version of windows.
  12. usmanr

    usmanr Bit poster

    Yes, I agree with this post! With the basic one-license personal plan, VM Fusion allows personal users to install the software on any computer they own. If Parallels doesn't change its policy soon, I'll be migrating over to VM Fusion.
    Thanks For That.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 10, 2021
  13. AlekseyS2

    AlekseyS2 Bit poster

    Please allow me to join this request.
    It is really really needed feature nowadays when it is very common to have 2-3 personal computers. It is a bit not user-friendly to request 2 full cost licenses for same engineer when he uses same product on different computers for personal use.
  14. elierco

    elierco Bit poster

    awesome realy i like it, thank you
  15. jasmeets

    jasmeets Bit poster

    Hello, Now I need to transfer the license per switch by entering the username, password, and license key. Very user-unfriendly. I would prefer to stay locked in and one press on a button to transfer my license forth and back. All information is already stored at my parallels account, so this wanted feature is easy to implement from my point of view.
  16. jasmeets

    jasmeets Bit poster

    Hello, We can't use one license for several computers.One license key for one computer only
  17. StuartR5

    StuartR5 Bit poster

    I simply don't understand Parallels. The ability to run on two machines has been requested by users for 4+ years... very long-lived thread... and zero feedback / interest from Parallels. I have *wanted* to switch to Parallels for some years and have consistently balked at having to pay twice. I work mainly on my iMac but sometimes need to use my MacBook when travelling, and paying double for this rare occasions is offensive.
    In the meanwhile VMware Fusion has continued to progress and the reasons to use Parallels are (for me, at least) dwindling to nothing. Given Parallels absolute lack of heeding their customers' voices I believe I've done the right thing by not buying. Perhaps someone in Parallels management cares and will lift a finger to change things, but I seriously doubt it. When your "reckoning" comes no one can say you weren't warned / begged by your customers. Disappointed but not surprised given the pervasive corporate greed that is so prevalent these days.
  18. StuartR5

    StuartR5 Bit poster

    Ditto. Parallels are completely tone-deaf and (clearly) don't care at all about individuals or indie developers. VMware is clearly the way to go.

    I'm only posting because I got a flyer advertising Parallels 16 (+ 10 apps bundle that I don't know care about) and wondered if the license policy had changed, which it hasn't. Wasted ad spend, Parallels... you're reaching your target audience but alienating them at the same time. Way to go. You folks must have a real genius planning your marketing and pricing strategy.
  19. TomG14

    TomG14 Bit poster

    This. All this. I have two Macs, one owned by me and one by my company. I primarily use my personal MacBook Pro 16 for the screen-size and control over the machine. But there are times I have to use the work MacBook Pro 15 (like when their VPN policies prevent me from connecting with my personal machine). I've long wished I could run Parallels on both, keeping my same VMs on both, and switching between them as needed. You would think paying for a level designated as "pro" would allow you to do this. I'm not asking for five, though the suggestions for that seem reasonable. Just two would make me happy.
    MaximB4 likes this.
  20. MaximB4

    MaximB4 Bit poster

    Definitely agree with everyone supporting license switching here. It is a major problem that prevents me from buying Parallels. Licenses should be per-person, not per-device. I also hate CPU restrictions like many mentioned here, but I can live with them.

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