After update to Parallel Toolbox 4.0.0-3231 the program has become very slow to load when starting my Mac. And after boot when start every utility , it takes a long time to start (2-3 minutes). It appears that the program has not been optimized for dated hardware like mine: MacBook Air (13-inch, 2017) Processor 1,8 GHz Intel Core i5 dual-core Memory 8 GB 1600 MHz DDR3 macOS Catalina 10.15.6 Thanks for your attention.
Hello, could you please: - open Activity Monitor, switch to 'CPU' tab - sort by %CPU column (by descending) - Launch some tool from Toolbox to replicate the issue - Quickly switch back to Activity Monitor, make screenshot of its window and post it here
Thanks for reply! I found the cause of the problem. Is use of my VPN ! MacBook Air is my work computer and i used VPN for connect to Work's Server. When i disconnect from the VPN , and use only my Home Internet connection, Parallels Toolbox is more slow to launch every utility, seems to check in internet something that not find. After 2-3 minutes of apparent inactivity the utility window appears on the screen. Instead when i'm connected to the VPN, Parallels Toolbox run the utility immediately ! The previous version of the Parallels Toolbox did not have this problem....
Let's gather more information about this problem. Let's assume that you're running "Download Video" tool: - open Activity Monitor, type 'Download' in search field - launch "Download Video" from Toolbox (with disconnected VPN) - switch back to Activity Monitor, select "Download Video" tool in list - press cogwheel (button on toolbar) -> Sample Process Send me the this sample.
Could you please take screenshot of your Login Items: Open System Preferences app -> Users & Groups -> select current user in left list -> open "Login Items" tab and make two screenshots of this window 1) With disabled VPN 2) With enabled VPN. I think you have some item in Login Items that is located on network share and that is the trigger of issue in Parallels Toolbox.
Thanks for screenshots, I think your issue appeared because you have SIC and Centro SIC items that are located on network volumes. It is obviously bug in Parallels Toolbox and we will fix it in nearest update. As workaround I can suggest you to remove these items from Login Items. In this case you will need to mount them manually after connecting to VPN. And thanks for reporting the issue!
Yes ! I remove items from Login and i restart MAC and now even with the VPN OFF Parallels Toolbox works perfectly . Thanks
I hope you don't mind me joining to the thread, however, I have very similar problem. So it might help to keep it in the same thread to help others as well. However, please let me know if I should better start a new thread. Parallels Toolbox version: 4.0.1 (3447) MacOs Catalina First of all, the Clipboard History tool doesn't start with the computer. Yes, I have this setting: And the bigger problem is it is not responding for a long while. If I hover the mouse pointer on the toolbar icon, it is just spinning color wheel. After a long while, it works but I am not happy as I was before. I love the tool is ready as soon as I boot my computer as I can keep the copied content all the time. I don't have network items to be connected on login. Is there a fix for me too until you actually fix the tool. Thank you!
Hello Regarding this problem could you please make sample of 'Clipboard History' process that is not responding? You can do it from Activity Monitor application (open View menu --> Sample Process). And then please post sample here.
Thanks! Looks like Clipboard History hangs while handling some item from history. 1) It would be great if you compress ~/Library/Application Support/ClipboardHistory directory and send it to my privately. Please note that this folder contains history of clipboard (same as in "Clipboard History" tool). Skip this point if there is a chance that private or confidential information could be in history . 2) Terminate "Clipboard History" tool from Activity Monitor. 3) Remove folder ~/Library/Application Support/ClipboardHistory. You can save it somewhere to not drop something important from history. 4) Start "Clipboard History" tool again.
@sergk - thanks for the information. You were right about the history files. It was 8GB in total and more than 20 items more than 100MB. Actually I love this tool since I started using Parallels Desktop. However, I believe it requires some additional settings. For example, I only need to store text content as a coder, and I've been using the tool for that. All those images saved in the history were just trash. Second, size limit. I should be able to set a limit for maximum clipboard data content size that I would like to keep in the history. Third, keep history time options. 3, 7, and 30 days. I understand the max limit as 30, it makes sense. However, having 7 days but not 2 weeks is really weird. I would list options as day, starting from 1 to 30. No need to deal with the "week" option type. I cleaned the history by keeping the necessary items (less than 1M). So it looks to be working now. I only didn't test reboot to make sure if it will start at boot, but it should. I'll let you know if any problem about the startup option. Thank you!