Windows 10 VM Freezes on PD16 minutes after boot

Discussion in 'Windows Virtual Machine' started by CornFly, Aug 11, 2020.

  1. LarsH8

    LarsH8 Bit poster

    Same issue, my temporary solution was going back to PD15. Hope Parallels will find a solution asap.
    On PD16 Parallels Hypervisor fails install Parallels Tools. VGA Resolution an no mouse and keyboard will run.
  2. RaulS5

    RaulS5 Bit poster

    this is a big issue that has cost a lot of time till now. As colleagues don't have issues with VMware, I will reconsider a renewal.
  3. PeterW24

    PeterW24 Bit poster

    I had PD 15 and Windows 10 VM with Apple hypervisor running well on MAC OS 10.15.6. I started my Windows 10 VM and confirmed it was running ok. I then shut it down. Made a duplicate of the VM file (just in case). I saw the new PD 16 version ParallelsDesktop-16.0.1-48919. I installed it. Started PD 16, clicked to start my Windows 10 VM - it froze in the first 1/2 second of startup wth 100% CPU and has been there for 15 minutes now. HEAVY HEAVY SIGH!!! Back I go to PD 15 - glad I saved the .dmg for it.
  4. JustinH12

    JustinH12 Bit poster

    I am also experiencing this issue after the latest Windows update it will not boot with the Apple Hypervisor, the VM cannot be reset or shutdown normally and the process must be killed manually. Switching to the Parallels Hypervisor allows booting but the performance is much worse, which was why I originally choose the Apple hypervisor.

    Very frustrating and affecting my ability to get work done due to the huge performance loss.
  5. Maria@Parallels

    Maria@Parallels Problem solver

    Hello, if it's possible could you collect 2 tech reports once the issue reproduced?
    1st report with Apple HV and 2nd with Parallels HV.
    Looking forward to your reply.
  6. MartinP3

    MartinP3 Bit poster

    With Parallels 16.0.1 (48919) and macOS 10.15.7 I stlil have a Windows 10 VM using Apple Hypervisor which freezes on boot, but it can reliably be unfrozen by poking it with Activity Monitor -> Sample Process

    Attached Files:

    JustinH12 likes this.
  7. JustinH12

    JustinH12 Bit poster

    I can confirm this works for me as well, thanks Martin!
    I have just submitted tech report 350953762 of a hung windows boot with the apple hypervisor.
  8. SzymonW1

    SzymonW1 Bit poster

    @MartinP3 how do you poke it?
    I've changed to Parallel Hypervisor and it's ok right now.
    But my sound is going off after a while - that's why I've changed to Apple Hypervisor. THere's somewhere thread that is saying that to have volume working you have to change to Apple Hypervisor.
    Now you have to change to Parallel to launch Windows at all..
    I'm kind of afraid of any new updates. All was great with Parallels 14.
  9. BalasubramanianR

    BalasubramanianR Junior Member

    I am also facing this issue with parallels hypervisor. Upon boot it is unresponsive for few minutes. It happens while working on windows also for sometime
  10. CarlH2

    CarlH2 Junior Member

    This seems to solve it for me:

  11. Marshall Dunbar

    Marshall Dunbar Junior Member

    Recently decided to upgrade to Parallels 16 on Catalina from 15. My windows 10 VM would work for several minutes and then become unresponsive. If I suspended the VM and restored, it would work okay for a few more minutes and lock up again. Contacted Parallels support. They took over my machine and forced a reinstall of Parallels tools and said to see if that works. It was okay for several minutes and then hung. I attempted to contact support again and they did not respond for the rest of the day. I found, like others on this thread, that if you let the hung VM sit for an hour or two it will become responsive again for a few minutes and then hang again. The next day, having not heard from support, I decided to switch from the Apple hypervisor to Parallels hypervisor. Windows 10 stopping freezing up. It has now been 2 days and has not hung. Today, I searched the forum and found this old thread. Hard to believe that this was reported in early fall and has not yet been resolved in an update. Also hard to believe that support was not aware of this issue and immediately suggest switching to the Parallels hypervisor. I purposely waited many months before upgrading to Parallels 16 so that all these common bugs would be fixed before I upgraded.

    I switched to the Apple hypervisor on Parallels 15 because of issues with sound. I don't know yet if 16 has issues with the Parallels hypervisor and sound. Not very happy that I lost hours of work fooling with this and it should have been something fixed or at least noted as a work around by tech support and not something I had to figure out for myself.
  12. LarsH8

    LarsH8 Bit poster

    I'm wondering that the issue isn't solved.

    My final Solution was following .
    - two different virtual machines one is running on Win , second One was hanging and not usable.
    Installing a third one, which was running perfectly.

    My Solution
    Go Back to PD 15
    Using Transporter Agent -> Save to Ext HDD

    Install pd 16
    Install clean windows (same Version than before like Win 10pro old = new - updates to actual update are ok.)
    Install transporter agent and import -> takes long time...
    BE happy.

    I think it is a Virtual Harddisk Problem ob boot. ‚Reinstalled and transfered ‚ machine is running since a month without problems and all files and certificates were transfered.
  13. Marshall Dunbar

    Marshall Dunbar Junior Member

    Just wanted to follow up for anyone finding this thread. When the PD 16 update 16.1.3 (49160) came out last week, I installed it. I then switched back to the Apple hypervisor and have not had any issues with the Win 10 VM becoming unresponsive. For me at least, it appears the 49160 update has resolved the issue.
  14. Marshall Dunbar

    Marshall Dunbar Junior Member

    Spoke too soon. I've had the VM freeze twice in 2 days. Switching back to the Apple hypervisor. Parallels automatically generated report 362279431 when I attempted to suspend and reopen the VM. Perhaps that will give support some clue as to what is going on.
  15. Marshall Dunbar

    Marshall Dunbar Junior Member

    Sorry, I meant to say I am switching back to the Parallels hypervisor.
  16. Dr_Rob

    Dr_Rob Junior Member

    Thank you - this has just started happening to me since the latest Windows update 20H2 a couple of days ago - the "Sample" trick works for me to - instantly unfreezes Windows.
  17. GennadyD

    GennadyD Junior Member

    Actually, it is getting very annoying for me. I tried all hypervisor options (and adaptive or not), but periodical freezing (relatively short but very disturbing) persists. Running the latest PD, Windows 10, and Mac Catalina.
    Any more suggestions to try?
  18. Mark Fine

    Mark Fine Pro

    In your VM's hardware options, hard disk, advanced: turn off "Enable TRIM". It's basically copying itself to free up the extra space it's using, then deleting the old one. Stops all processing until it's done and doesn't care how small the free space is. It just does it.
    It's a potentially useful feature, until it scrambles your VM. This used to drive me nuts until I turned it off.
  19. GennadyD

    GennadyD Junior Member

    Have a feeling that it did improve the situation, but unfortunately did not eliminate it. Still, during typing have periodically freezes for 5-10 sec with an unresponsive keyboard/mouse.
    Any more suggestions to try?
  20. Mark Fine

    Mark Fine Pro

    This 'feature' is the only condition I know of that causes a prolonged, annoying, and dangerous lockup shortly after starting a Win10 VM. You may want to look for other things installed in your VM that may be attributable to long periods of disk activity that ultimately put the VM into a wait state.

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