Desktop for Mac version 16

Discussion in 'Parallels Desktop for Mac' started by Robert Wise, Aug 2, 2020.

  1. Robert Wise

    Robert Wise Bit poster

    Well, it's getting near that time of year again when we should be seeing the latest and greatest from Parallels. However, I've seen suprisingly little information about the next version this year and I'm wondering if the COVID pandemic has caused some slippage in the release schedule? Anyone heard anything definite regarding this?
  2. Ajith1

    Ajith1 Parallels Support

    We do not have any official information regarding the release. If there is it will be communicated to all our users.
  3. Robert Wise

    Robert Wise Bit poster

    Well if history is anything to go by it will be sometime this month. As it's an upgrade I can wait.
  4. FlipR

    FlipR Member

    report ID 346936755. I have sent technical data
    Parallels 11 Heaven 46 FPS
    Parallels 16 Pro 21 FPS
    On the same Mac Pro 5,1 6 core, the first with a Geforce 980 4GB, the second with a Radeon Pulse Saphhire 8 GB.
    Parallels 11 seems to be faster! :(
  5. FlipR

    FlipR Member

    report ID 347138683, I have sent technical data
    Parallels 16 Pro is not faster than Parallels 15 Pro
    P15: 3255.5
    P16: 3215.0
    booting after suspend is till slow too.:(
  6. Robert Wise

    Robert Wise Bit poster

    Booting into Windows from Mac is too slow generally and the black screen whilst waiting for boot is a nuisance. I am using a 2019 27 inch 5K iMac running the latest version of Catalina. Parallels 16
  7. FlipR

    FlipR Member

    On the same Mac Pro 5,1 6 core, the first with a Geforce 980 4GB, the second with a Radeon Pulse Saphhire 8 GB.
    Parallels 11 Geekbench 4 single core 2805 multicore 12526
    Parallels 16 Pro Geekbench 4 single core 2753 multicore 8803 :(
    Hopefully we get better results after an update.
  8. FlipR

    FlipR Member

    report ID 347146861 I have sent technical data
    2 Mac Pro's 5,1
    The first with Parallels 11 and Windows 10 16 GB RAM (win 8) 4 GB VRAM NVidia Geforce 980
    The second with Parallels 16 Pro and Windows 10 32 GB RAM (win 16) 8 GB VRAM Saphire Radeon 580
    Parallels 16 is slower with Cinebench 15 :(
    11: Open GL 54,5 FPS and CPU 692 cb
    16 Pro: OpenGL 43 FPS and CPU 653 cb
  9. FuenW

    FuenW Bit poster

    I feel like the problem maybe on the parallels tools on the PD16. When I am using another VM windows 10 with the older version of parallels tools installed, it feels much master...
  10. Maria@Parallels

    Maria@Parallels Problem solver

    Hi, your tech report data will be very helpful.
    Please collect tech report once the issue reproduced and post report's ID here.
  11. FlipR

    FlipR Member

    I have updated to 16.0.1. Pro edition report ID 349372747
    I have sent technical data and some benchmark tests. Unfortunately there is no improvement.

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