Can't activate parallels toolbox.

Discussion in 'Parallels Toolbox for Mac' started by m.Nak, Aug 16, 2019.

  1. Maria@Parallels

    Maria@Parallels Problem solver

    Hello, we've made some changes, please check the issue.
  2. Maria@Parallels

    Maria@Parallels Problem solver

    Hello, we've changed some settings, please check the issue.
  3. Maria@Parallels

    Maria@Parallels Problem solver

    Hello, we cannot share your license key in public, please check your inbox for more info.
  4. CosminD

    CosminD Bit poster

    Thank you Maria, all good, it activated just fine on the second laptop.
  5. AliC2

    AliC2 Bit poster

    I have a similar issue. I have Parallels Desktop for Mac v13. PTB has upgraded itself. Now I can not use it anymore, it requires a key for Parallels v14 or above?
    Could you please help me to reinstate PTB.
  6. Ajith1

    Ajith1 Parallels Support

    You can use this link to download the older version of Parallels Toolbox but it is not compatible with the latest macOS X versions.
  7. AliC2

    AliC2 Bit poster

    Thank you. The new installation upgraded itself once again asking for a new key, however, it also gave me the option to downgrade which I did. That finally seemed to resolve the problem.
  8. Ajith1

    Ajith1 Parallels Support

    We are glad that the issue is resolved.
  9. JosephC6

    JosephC6 Bit poster

    Same issue: " The license server does not accept your product license" I have 2 parallels subscriptions with activation keys that are supposed to work for both parallels and parallels toolbox for mac. Have logged in and out of toolbox, but the issue persists .
  10. Joney

    Joney Bit poster

    I'm own PD15.14, it sure be include toolbox. but when put key of PD15.14 to toolbox, it says that key is over-date, How come?
  11. IvanP3

    IvanP3 Bit poster

    Hi! I tried to move my licence to new Mac. Everything went fine with Parallel desktop, but I am not able to activate Parallels Toolbox - I only get the massage Your product licence has reached the activation limit.
  12. OdinD

    OdinD Bit poster

    I'm having the same issues. I upgraded my PDM 14 to PDM 15 and when I went to launch PTB from the menu bar, I received the error: "Invalid key. Your license key is invalid for this version of the Parallels Toolbox. Please downgrade or buy a new license." The new version is 3.0.5, which I believe was installed alongside PDM. I have three subscription licenses. Trying to tells me it will de-activate the license on another computer, and the third simply replies "The license server doesn't accept your product license."
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 10, 2020
  13. Maria@Parallels

    Maria@Parallels Problem solver

    Hello, we found only business license at your account ivan.cevi*****@cev***
    Please confirm that you you would like to reactivate it.
  14. Maria@Parallels

    Maria@Parallels Problem solver

    Hi, we didn't find any key at your Parallels account odi******oa*[email protected]
    Could you please share with us your email address or license key via the private message?
  15. DaisukeK2

    DaisukeK2 Bit poster

    I have two subscription license, but one license key is not accepted by license server.
    Parallels Desktop is working fine on same key.
  16. Sven G

    Sven G Member

    Exactly the same problem, here: today, after purchasing a new Parallels Desktop Pro upgrade subscription for 2 computers (replacing a similar old subscription for 4 computers, of which I had deactivated automatic renewal for today, but it got renewed anyway (!): very strange, but here I'm already in talk with Cleverbridge for a refund...), one key (beginning with S) is accepted in Parallels Toolbox, the other (beginning with 6) is not (rejected by the licensing server): how to solve this...? (BTW, Parallels Desktop works fine with both keys, one on each computer.) Thank you for a solution...
  17. James Rome

    James Rome Hunter

    I have the same issue as #97. I updated Parallels to V16.0 (twice incorrectly). Parallels Toolbox says I do not have a valid license. I can't get my key in account settings since most is ****
  18. Sven G

    Sven G Member

    ... And this seems to be a quite serious issue: in my account, it says that I have Parallels Toolbox for 2 computers, yet only the "main" serial number activated it, and only on one computer (I tried to use the "successful" serial number also on the other computer, but it says that I needed to deactivate it on the first one, or something similar; and activating it on the second computer indeed deactivated it on the first! which makes no sense at all, as I purchased 2 licenses...). There is a big problem with simultaneous purchases of 2 licenses, evidently: how to solve this...? Thank you...

    (BTW, for my other problem, the Parallels sales support on Cleverbridge doesn't seem to answer emails submitted through its web forms: maybe there is something that doesn't work, also here (after the Captcha verification and submitting the form, only a blank page appears, without any confirmation: very strange...)...?)
  19. Sven G

    Sven G Member

    ... I submitted a technical report for the second computer, after trying to activate Parallels Toolbox with the second key:

    Report ID: 348236671
    First 6 digits of the key: 6R7MEK
  20. GerhardK5

    GerhardK5 Bit poster

    Unfortunately I have exactly the same problem. I have two computers and therefore bought two licenses. On one computer I was able to activate the Toolbox, on the other computer I got the error message that the license server does not accept the license key when using the second license key.

    For Parallels this license key was accepted.

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