How to install the parallels tools on Kali Linux?

Discussion in 'Linux Virtual Machine' started by Aetelux, Oct 25, 2019.

  1. Aetelux

    Aetelux Bit poster

  2. AbdelrhmanS

    AbdelrhmanS Bit poster

    I got the same issue after updating to the latest Kali 2019.4. Parallel tools stopped working and Screen solution got back to 800x600. Also sharing features aren't working anymore.

    Tried reinstalling Parallel tools. Also manually uninstalling and installing it didn't work.
    Also tried updating my grub with no luck.

  3. Alexander Haltman

    Alexander Haltman Parallels Developers

    It should work for Parallels Desktop 15.1.1 without any changes of kernel command line/grub.
    Try to reinstall Parallels Tools.
    If not fixed - create problem report and post report id here.
    LeticiaM1 likes this.
  4. ParallelsU341

    ParallelsU341 Bit poster

    Any update on this please? I'm using Parallels 15.1.2, coherence is not working for me in Kali 2020.2
  5. LeticiaM1

    LeticiaM1 Junior Member

    Yes, thank you!
    This worked for me.
  6. Johnny Bilotta

    Johnny Bilotta Bit poster

    This contradicts information I just received from Parallels Support 2 mins ago. After contacting support and starting a ticket to address Parallels Tools failing to install on Kali 2020.2 they replied that Parallels 15.x is NOT compatible with Kali 2020.2.

    So, is it compatible or not? Because I would really like to keep using Parallels but I just cannot seem to get Tools installed on the latest Kali.

    Thank you for your time.
  7. DavidN19

    DavidN19 Bit poster

    Interested to know their response as I have a similar setup with the exact same issues.
  8. TrustedComputer

    TrustedComputer Member

    I just wanted to report that a reinstallation of a fully updated Kali 2020.2 with a fully updated Parallels 15.1.4 completed successfully for me.
  9. Johnny Bilotta

    Johnny Bilotta Bit poster

    Thank you for that information!

    I would like to avoid reinstallation if possible. Regardless, I have done everything mentioned in these forums(except reinstallation) and in StackOverflow threads and it does not work. If I have to reinstall, I may just end up using VirtualBox since it seems to be able to do what I need Parallels Toolbox to do for me.
  10. TrustedComputer

    TrustedComputer Member

    Sorry- I should clarify. I meant re-installation of the Parallels Tools. Not the operating system, or Parallels Application itself. So basically what I'm saying is there don't appear to be any issues installing the tools on a fully updated Kali guest and a fully updated Parallels App.
  11. Johnny Bilotta

    Johnny Bilotta Bit poster

    Thank you for that clarity but I have attempted that and it still does not install. I have the latest up to date Kali and Parallels and cannot get this to work. Tickets submitted to support carried a response of Parallels 15.x is not compatible with Kali Linux 2020.x. Which is why I am confused that a Parallels developer responded here that it is. If it is, I cannot get it to work regardless of what steps I take.
  12. TrustedComputer

    TrustedComputer Member

    And just like that, I have to take my words back. Kali repositories released Kernel 5.6.0 today and Parallels Tools doesn't know what to do with it:
    Building module:
    cleaning build area...
    make -j2 KERNELRELEASE=5.6.0-kali1-amd64 -f Makefile.kmods KSRC=/lib/modules/5.6.0-kali1-amd64/build KVER=5.6.0-kali1-amd64...(bad exit status: 2)
    Error! Bad return status for module build on kernel: 5.6.0-kali1-amd64 (x86_64)
    Consult /var/lib/dkms/parallels-tools/ for more information.
    Johnny Bilotta likes this.
  13. Johnny Bilotta

    Johnny Bilotta Bit poster

    It is regrettable but not the end of the world. Thanks for the reconnaissance! I hope they get the support for the latest Kali out to us all soon. Until then I am moving my Kali VM over to VirtualBox.
  14. TrustedComputer

    TrustedComputer Member

    Yeah, VMware Fusion is handling the 5.6 kernel just fine, too. That's what I'll be using for the foreseeable future.
  15. AlcidesR

    AlcidesR Bit poster

    I'm on a trial of VMware Fusion. planning to switch from Parallels to Vmware.

    I've Parallels 15.1.4 and Kali 2019.4 (downgraded because support team said that the 2020.2 is not supported).
  16. Geekdan

    Geekdan Junior Member

    Hi Everyone, I'm currently on Kali 2020.3 (Linux 5.7.0-kali1-amd64) which I managed to get working though it was hairy there for a bit...
    1. I tried uprgading tools on my existing 2019.4 version, which worked - but then after a reboot I got a white screen
    2. I downloaded the 2020.2 image and followed the kali parallels tools instructions - after a reboot I got a white screen

    CTRL+ALT+F3 showed me that the desktop manager was barfing, but the box itself was operating.

    This was *very* weird... So I tried something a bit left-field. I tried installing a different window manager on each (KDE on #1 and Gnome on #1) since I'd been using the default XFCE on both.

    Aaaand boom! Up and running. Now this could be because my mac is old and PRL16 doesn't like my gfx for some reason or, something in XFCE flakes out on Kali when parallels tools gets involved.

    Seriously the wackiest thing I've had to deal with in a VM...
  17. Raik

    Raik Bit poster

    Have had the exact same problem MBP2018,
    My Solution: -Graphics > advanced settings > 3d acceleration off
    Maria@Parallels, RainerS1 and Geekdan like this.
  18. RainerS1

    RainerS1 Member

    Interesting to hear switching from XFCE to something else solved the issue as well. I got the "turn 3d acceleration off"-workaround from the Kali Forum as well, and can live with it. But I have a (possibly) similar problem with Debian/Raspberry Pi OS (Buster, kernel 4.19), where loading of the Xserver crashes after I (according to installer-feedback) successfully installed Parallels tools. In that case though switching of 3d-accel doesn't fix the issue. RPIOS also uses XFCE - but if I replace it (how? ;-) ) I'd kind of loose one of the reasons why I use the VM...
  19. RainerS1

    RainerS1 Member

    Turns out I was totally wrong. The PiOS problem has to do with the curious 64-bit kernel vs 32-bit userspace situation on the x86-build of PiOS. There is a solution posted for that problem in another thread...

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