Keyboard error after installation Macos Big Sur

Discussion in 'Installation and Configuration of Parallels Desktop' started by Parallels User, Jun 24, 2020.

  1. Hi,
    Trying to login in my virtual Windows 10 by pincode, I discovered that keys '1' and '2' didn't work on my wireless keyboard.
    Therefore I attached the older non-wireless and there the problem was the same.
    Happily, my numeric pad worked well and I could login.
  2. Maria@Parallels

    Maria@Parallels Problem solver

    Hello, please collect the tech report right after the issue reproduced and post the report's ID here.
    Looking forward to your reply.
  3. Sorry, forgot to mention that I am running Macos Big Sur since yesterday.
  4. This is the report-id: 343258515
  5. Michael Pitt

    Michael Pitt Member

    I see this same issue too - 1,2, T & Y keys don't work in any Windows 10 VM I have (1709, 2004 and also current Insider build). The keys work fine in a macOS VM.
  6. Michael Pitt

    Michael Pitt Member

    Also, passing my bluetooth keyboard directly to the VM works. Laptop keyboard doesn't work at all.
  7. Michael Pitt

    Michael Pitt Member

    Nice work around from another thread here: -

    Simply to go into Parallels app > Preferences > under your "Virtual Machine" (ie Windows 10), > Shortcuts > Add new shortcuts where you map "1" to "1", and so on. It's made life back to normal!
  8. kavyaM

    kavyaM Hunter

    @Michael Pitt Thank you for sharing the information. Please click Parallels Desktop icon || > Preferences > Shortcuts, select a particular virtual machine > click '+' > map they key to itself (From: 1, To: 1) > click "OK" > Repeat for all affected keys.
  9. RemcoM1

    RemcoM1 Bit poster

    @Michael Pitt
    Thanks for that tip, finally able to log in again. Tried way too much before searching here......
  10. GuyP3

    GuyP3 Bit poster

    Glad to find this -- thought I was going crazy!

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