The Mac or VM configuration has been changed since VM was suspended

Discussion in 'Windows Virtual Machine' started by JohnA7, Apr 24, 2020.

  1. JohnA7

    JohnA7 Junior Member

    I keep getting the above message on a couple of my VM's when starting them. If I hit cancel and try again it usually works without issue. Sometimes it takes couple of tries. Anyone else seeing this or have any idea what could be causing it? If I hit "reset" (which I do by accident occasionally) it just restarts the VM, which is definitely not what I want to happen if I can avoid it.

    Both of the VM's I've seen this on are Windows 10. I also see "checking disks after improper shutdown" occasionally, which feels like it may be related, and I never notice things getting shutdown improperly. This last message I've seen on two different Macs (one with Parallels home and one with Pro).
  2. Maria@Parallels

    Maria@Parallels Problem solver

    Hello, could you please share with us a screenshot of the error message?
  3. JohnA7

    JohnA7 Junior Member

    Thank you for responding Maria, as it happens I haven't seen the message in several days, and I'm trying to figure out if it's been since the last update or not. I had it happening across two computers and several VM's, but after suspending and resuming multiple VM's a bunch of times I haven't seen it again. It's possible the latest Parallels update fixed it. I will for sure post a screenshot and any other diagnostics I can get if it happens again.
  4. Mr. C.

    Mr. C. Member

    I see this about 1/2 the time I start a paused VM. I just press Cancel, and retry the Resume. Sometimes this I have to do this 2 or 3 times before Parallels just starts normally.

    MichaelS112 and JohnA7 like this.
  5. JohnA7

    JohnA7 Junior Member

    That's exactly the message I get, it just happened to me for the first time since I posted the questions, which has got to be the longest stretch I've had in quite a while.

    Attached Files:

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