Printer is showing offline

Discussion in 'General Questions' started by MikeA6, Aug 13, 2018.

  1. MikeA6

    MikeA6 Bit poster

    Hi all, I am new to Parallels. I am using the Windows 10 on my Mac, and I am not seeing printer option here. It says printer is offline...what do I do?
  2. Hi MikeA6. Please make sure that the printer is working fine on the Mac side and let us know whether the printer is connected through USB port or it is a wireless printer.
  3. jacksonj1

    jacksonj1 Bit poster


    Mostly New Users are face this type issue. When i had purchased my new hp printer, i was also facing this error then i had used the many method like
    Disconnect the all cables of printer and after the few second again reconnect all cables or printer.
    On the printer and check but still My error was persist then after the losts of research i got a one article of hp printer keeps going offline then after the using this method my issue has been resolved.
  4. Ajith1

    Ajith1 Parallels Support

    These steps might work if the printer is connected directly to Windows. If it is shared from Mac, then we need to check some settings on Mac and reinstall Parallels Tools.
  5. JerryW3

    JerryW3 Bit poster

    These steps might work if the printer is connected directly to Windows. If it is shared from Mac, then we need to check some settings on Mac and reinstall Parallels Tools.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 20, 2019
  6. joseph.walker

    joseph.walker Bit poster

    Use it a lot, never had a problem with USB connection. Maybe just try a few different USB devices and unmount in Mac then retry the Parallels option for "use device with Windows"? Another option, check the device manager. I had a similar situation - and my printer was in Control Panel -> Devices and Printers, listed under a separate category "Unspecified" with category Unknown as a Virtual Printer.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 31, 2019
    Maria@Parallels likes this.
  7. Rubecca Smith

    Rubecca Smith Bit poster

    Follow the steps to resolve Printer Offline in Windows
    • Press and hold down Windows and R keys at the same time on the keyboard to launch the Run panel.
    • Click on Devices and Printers in control Panel.
    • In the new window, right-click on the Epson printer and click on See what is printing.
    • Click on Printer from the toolbar and ensure Use Printer Offline option doesn't have a tick mark next to that. If it's a selection, click on it to disable it.
    • Click on the Printer option once more and click on on the option to assemble it as the default printer.
    • shut this window and see to it if the status has modified back to how it ought to be.
  8. lorein

    lorein Member

    Well this is a common problem that many Windows 10 users are struggling with, due to different reasons like unfinished printing jobs in queue, Connection between computer and printer is slow or unresponsive or due to outdated printer drivers.
    And to fix it try the solutions given like
    • Modify the printer settings and set it to default.
    • Restart the printer spool service
    • Check if there is any unfinished printing jobs are in the queue then reset it
    • Or run the inbuilt Printer troubleshooter
    Hope this works for you to fix printer Offline error.
  9. varonicaB

    varonicaB Bit poster

    Follow the following steps on and on to ensure the fixing of yourprinter is offline[/URL] in to online. Do not miss any step, you will definitely find the fault.

    Physically Checking the Printer and Cables
    • Check that both ends of the USB cable are properly inserted. And, if the printer has networks, then check the proper insertion of Ethernet cables. And, if your printer has a wireless connection, then check for the internet connection and printer's connectivity to the router.
    • If the printer is connected with the help of cable, try by inserting the cable in different sockets on your computer.
    • To make sure that there is no fault in the cable, you can check by using another cable.
    Manually Set the Printer Online
    • Click on the start button on the left corner at the bottom of your device. Choose the option "Control Panel" and after this, "Devices and Printers".
    • Right-click on the printer in question and after this, select the option "See what's printing".
    • A window will get open and choose "Printer" option from the top menu bar.
    • A drop-down menu appears. Select the option "choose printer online"
    Cancel all the Print jobs To Get Printer Back Online
    • From the option of see what's printing", right-click and press "Cancel" option. It will cancel all the print jobs.
    • After removing the print jobs, select the option of "Use Printer Online" again.
    Removal of the Printer Drivers and Re-installation of the Printer
    • From the "Devices and Printers" option, select the "printer" option. And then click on "remove device".
    • Now, reinstall the printer by clicking on the "Add a Printer" option from the "Devices and Printers' option.
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 27, 2020
  10. StevenF7

    StevenF7 Bit poster

    Brother printer offline isn't an exception because it conjointly has of problems in rare cases. Printer Offline Error problems are generally showing if printer an overload, or perhaps it's going to be a problem with the driving force, or it's going to issue a network undergoing some connectivity problems. If you employ a printer made by the Brother Printer brand, you'll have access to the right printer for your work. But one common query brother printer offline windows 10 are often raised by you because during the printing document, you'll Showing Printer offline error message on your PC screen. to understand the top-to-toe remedy of such query, you'll need to stay tuned with the dexterous also as deft connoisseurs who must have immense years of experience.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 1, 2020
  11. chriskc

    chriskc Bit poster

    How to factory reset a Windows 10 laptop? If forgot Windows 10 administrator account password, the way to reset Windows 10 laptop to factory setting without entering password? Following this text will show you the ways.If for any reason you would like to reset your Windows 10 computer to factory settings there's a simple thanks to roll in the hay without employing a disk or USB as its commonly the norm. Please note that using this procedure you'll lose all data saved on the computer's disk drive . Your computer are going to be reset to Windows 10 fresh defaults.

    Here is how you are doing it.

    While pressing the "Shift" key on your keyboard down, click on the facility icon on the screen then select Restart.
  12. JessicaA6

    JessicaA6 Bit poster

    For the most part, new users face this type of issue. Whenever I bought my new HP printer, I was likewise confronted with this blunder. Then I utilized numerous strategies, like
    Detach all the links from the printer and, after a couple of seconds, reconnect all the links to the printer.
    On the printer, and yet to be checked My mistake was to continue, then after the loss of exploration, I got one article from an HP printer that continued going disconnected, then after utilizing this technique, my issue has been settled.
  13. VictoriaS3

    VictoriaS3 Bit poster

    If you are still looking for an answer. An open or incomplete print job can causing an error.
  14. DebasmitaM

    DebasmitaM Forum Maven

    Hello, thank you for sharing your troubleshooting steps.
  15. DebasmitaM

    DebasmitaM Forum Maven

    Hello, kindly elaborate the issue you are facing so that we can understand better and help you out.

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