Release Candidate

Discussion in 'Parallels Desktop for Mac' started by maverick808, May 18, 2006.


    [email protected] Member

    More BSOD. Tried installing the new tools. In the middle of the install I get a BSOD.

    Four BSOD in the first 30 minutes... hopefully that is just because I am updating from beta 6+ to RC...

  2. kitesurfer

    kitesurfer Member

    Hi all,

    What is the best way to uninstall Beta 6 in Mac host?

    Somebody mentioned "uninstaller", to my knowledge there is no uninstaller in B6.

    Or it means install RC and then use the uninstaller from it (RC) to get rid of B6?

    Very confused:confused:

    Thanks in advance,
  3. RujusMacBook

    RujusMacBook Member

    Emilio -

    I used the uninstaller in the RC to uninstall Beta 6 first (and a reboot) and then I installed the RC. Hope that helps.
  4. tomhalv

    tomhalv Member

    I am getting something similar with the RC on my MBP as issue #1 above. When I boot up, I get an OS X alert about my IP config telling me that the Guest OS has taken an incrementally higher address. Example, if the MBP had, then on booting XP it takes that address and makes the OS X take a new one at the next slot up... strange?
  5. hussainahm

    hussainahm Member

    if you download the new RC version there is an uninstaller in it
  6. tomhalv

    tomhalv Member

    I also have the same problem using Virtue in full-screen mode. I sure would like to see that fixed again. That was a sweet way to switch desktops.... :(
  7. kitesurfer

    kitesurfer Member

    Thanks a lot everybody.

  8. e7sharp9

    e7sharp9 Member

    I still need to set networking manually or it won't connect after boot until after about 20-30 seconds. Manual IP and DNS will connect immediately on bootup.

    Also, Edirol UM-1 USB device still doesn't work. Driver won't install. Acts the same as Beta6 for these two issues.
  9. rjgebis

    rjgebis Hunter

    SAme here. It takes 20-30 sec to connect to internet after Login to Windows. That was not the case in B6. Tools were updated.
  10. rjgebis

    rjgebis Hunter

    Also there was a way to hide Toolbar in B6. Now I can only place top, left and right. I would like to hide it. Also it would be nice to hide the task bar @ the bottom of the window.
  11. Andrew @ Parallels

    Andrew @ Parallels Parallels Team

    You can use standard mac button to hide toolbar - it works now.
  12. skrodahl

    skrodahl Junior Member

    Issues with PW RC

    I know some of this is said before, but I'll summarize my issues with RC anyway.

    My guest is Windows XP/SP2 fully patched from Microsoft Update.

    1) CRTL-Click for right-click no longer works. CTRL-SHIFT-Click works.

    2) Using Virtue, switching to another desktop will bring PW out of full-screen. The PW window follows along to the new desktop. Sometimes, applications (at least Safari) will end up having changed window size.

    3) Selecting full-screen works fine the first time. If I go out of full-screen and back, the mouse pointer has disappeared. It's still there, because right-click on the desktop works. It's just invisible. Going out of full-screen, and the mouse is visible again (black mouse pointer, not white).

    4) Selecting any of the available USB devices from the device menu gives this message:
    USB device you are trying to connect to the virtual machine is being used by another process. Wait 5-10 seconds, then try to connect the device again. If this does not help, find the application that blocked up the device and disconnect it manually.
    This happens even after a fresh boot, with no other apps running. I can't see any startup items claiming all the USB devices.

    I installed the latest Parallels Tools, hoping it would fix these issues.
    Unfortunately, things are still the same.

    Thanks for all the great work!
  13. dkwong

    dkwong Junior Member

    Does CTRL-Click now allow you to do multi-select? If so, then I would much prefer that over the right click emulation.
  14. tolaini

    tolaini Junior Member

    RC fixed the keyboard issue I was having with Italian keyboard. I think that it should fix also the other ISO layouts.
  15. rjgebis

    rjgebis Hunter

    New to Mac. What is the key?
  16. Andrew @ Parallels

    Andrew @ Parallels Parallels Team

    Button in upper right corner of Parallels window.
  17. david

    david Member

    I think the installer looks great, much cooler. There are still some fundamental aspects of the interface itself that are a little odd to me. I feel like it is really missing a usability overhaul. The placement of functions, the start-up feels disjointed. Anyhoo. I know there is a great OS X app in there trying to get out and that you'll hit it eventually.

    In any case, my only issue now is that I can no longer "flip" into a full screen VM using virtue. This for me is really, really important as when testing websites I would flip in and out rapidly, refreshing in a browser , etc.

    I am sure other people will also have this problem and no doubt you'll come with a fix. Hope it's soon ;-)

    P.S. New application icon is hott, well done.
  18. Sheppy

    Sheppy Hunter

    The layout of controls in windows such as the preferences window and in the sheets (such as the suspending progress sheet or the shut down/suspend sheet) is very nonstandard for Aqua apps, and it's a little jarring to look at.

    The UI overhaul that supposedly happened looks like it was mostly new glossier looking icons instead of an actual revamp of the UI.
  19. tomhalv

    tomhalv Member

    Yes it does. But I already had remapped the keyboard for CMD-click and now they both work for multi-selecting, etc.
  20. xfibre

    xfibre Bit poster

    Resolution problems

    I have a problem with the resolutions.
    When I have Parallels in a window it's a smaller resolution but in beta6 when i changed to full screen it automatically changed my resolution to 1440:900. Now it just zooms and it full screen i have to change the resolution manually. There was an option to change that but now I can't see it. Any suggestions ?

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