"Block Camera" to be removed in next update

Discussion in 'Parallels Toolbox for Mac' started by MarkP21, Jan 16, 2020.

  1. MarkP21

    MarkP21 Bit poster

    Just got this notification for toolbox 3.8.0 that the "block camera" is to be removed on the next update.

    I do see the notes about block camera not being guaranteed for some system applications due to MacOS restrictions, but is it possible to leave the block camera app in place for other applications? The main need here is for block camera to apply to all browsers, web conferencing tools and any other third-party applications. If those can be guaranteed to be blocked, then native apple apps are fine.
  2. sergk

    sergk Parallels Developers


    the problem is that even web conferencing and other third-party tools may use very low level access to the camera that can't be blocked by "Block Camera" tool. So we can't be sure that access to your camera is blocked for all such applications.
  3. MarkP21

    MarkP21 Bit poster

    Hi sergk, that is what I was afraid of. Block camera and Mute Microphone are the ones I use the most and being able to toggle them on/off from the menu bar was really useful
  4. Alex Patsay

    Alex Patsay Parallels Team

    Would you still want to use the tool even knowing that it can't guarantee proper blocking?
  5. JackofLantern

    JackofLantern Bit poster

    I would use it if I knew, or was able to verify, for which applications it did actually work. Not to toot my own horn, but I did come up with a fairly sophisticated hardware solution that does do the trick; unfortunately, it has a relatively short, finite lifespan during which it works effectively. And, most annoyingly, whenever I need to use the camera, removing this hardware hack usually leaves a sticky residue on and around my laptop's integrated webcam which has to be cleaned off before the camera will produce a clear image. Boy howdy, sometimes ya damned if you do and ya damned if ya don't. Unless Parallels creates a software fix, I guess I'll just have to make do and get by. Yup, sometimes best ya can do is get by . . . just get by . . .
  6. Maria@Parallels

    Maria@Parallels Problem solver

    Hi, we'll be glad to setup the Parallels Toolbox for your needs. Could you provide us with more detailed issue description please?
    Where would you like to add Camera and how would you like to use it with the Parallels Toolbox? Also did you get any issues with the resolutions, please correct me if I'm wrong. Looking forward to your reply and will be happy to investigate the issue and improve Parallels Toolbox app.
  7. HansG5

    HansG5 Bit poster

    For me also, "Mute Microphone" and "Disable Camera" are (were) the most important features of Parallels Toolbox. I would be very happy with a "Disable Camera" that works only for some applications, with web conferencing being the most important now.
    For me "Disable Camera" has vanished from Parallels Toolbox without notice that I would remember. I used it recently and now I cannot find it. Upon checking, I have version 3.9.0, so the disappearance must have been due to the treatened update from 3.8.0. But all documentation still refers to "Disable Camera" as if nothing had happened ! I have spent (much?) more than an hour in searching for the "mistake", or documentation,. I uninstalled and reinstalled Parallels Toolbox, etc., until I finally stumbled upon this forum page. This has been annoying. PLEASE update your documentation. And better yet, show directly in Parallel Toolbox that "Disable Camera" has been removed.
  8. us1

    us1 Bit poster

    I just updated Parallels Toolbox and noticed that Disable Camera is not available anymore. Would greatly appreciate if you can bring it back with the next update. It is one the most useful utility apps on Toolbox. As far as I've used it - it worked with all the applications that required camera access.
    Looking forward to your reply.
    InstitutoP likes this.
  9. EthanL2

    EthanL2 Bit poster

    Hello,i have a expired trail of toolbox. i disabled my camera but cant get it back now. i would love to get my camera back working. is there any solution to this other than paying for it?
  10. sergk

    sergk Parallels Developers

    have your logged into your Parallels Account inside Parallels Toolbox? If not then you have this workaround:
    - Launch Parallels Toolbox;
    - On 'Trial expired' dialog click on 'Sign In' button;
    - Log into your Parallels account (or create new one);
    - You will receive another 7 trial days;
    - Turn 'Disable Camera' tool to enable your camera;
  11. StevenT10

    StevenT10 Bit poster

    i disabled my camera but cant get it back now. Restarted the device but still getting the error.
  12. sergk

    sergk Parallels Developers

    try to launch Disable Camera from Parallels Toolbox with Option key pressed. It should lead to uninstall plugin that blocks access to camera. You have to reboot your mac after this.

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